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Nov 8, 2012 at 1:22 AM
Feb 9, 2008
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Jul 4, 1993 (Age: 31)
Right behind you!
High School

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Ancient, from Right behind you!

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idiotninja was last seen:
Nov 8, 2012
    1. DeathToll77

      (april fools joke)
    2. EonsAgo
      Ahhh, but the debates are now boring faic. :/
    3. EonsAgo
      ha, I don't think stickman will be coming back either. He had three people shoot down his post.
    4. EonsAgo
      Well, how about that? Good luck to you too!
    5. EonsAgo
      I love it. It's easy for me to figure things out, because everything just connects. Math I don't like because even though there are explanations just like in biology, you can't really infer or make connections if you don't know the rules. Ugh, speaking of math I have a precalc test tomorrow. I guess I'll talk to you later cuz I want to get rested. (I feel bad leaving now.) :/ :sick:

      Anyway, see ya around!
    6. EonsAgo
      I was just like pewpewpew thought after thought. I think Nitrous feels like this whenever he posts. :P

      Yep, I get what you're saying about conscience. I just didn't elaborate on that point; you could bring that up if you wanted. That wording is fine.
    7. EonsAgo
      Oh my God, I feel so rewarded knocking out all those questions. (Be sure to refresh, I added like one or two little things in there.)
    8. EonsAgo
      Inorite? There are major flaws in his logic. Even if the bible were fully accurate, he isn't articulating himself correctly. (I think he is offline.)
      Hm, depending on what college I go to, I might have to go to a class about religion. I would love to debate people and shock 'em a bit. :P
    9. EonsAgo
      Yeah, saw your post. He responded to mine with, "Wrong. You can't trust what your 'pretty little science teachers' say." He then said he would go get his binders and CP (. wat) stuff filled with info about creationism.
    10. EonsAgo
      Hmm, he kinda redeemed himself with his comment on his last post.
      But the stickman fellow?

    11. EonsAgo
      Pshh. Am I making sense in the God debate? I feel like I'm runnin in a circle!
    12. Catmon
      Email attachment, or copy the file and paste into where you type MSN messages.
    13. DeathToll77
    14. DeathToll77
      Get back online my dad changed his mind
    15. Catmon
      Pennyless is best minigame! Congratulations man!
    16. DeathToll77
      I thought I had 64 but I have 32
    17. DeathToll77
      Today, I went on a first date with an Egyptian/Cuban sorority girl. I asked her what language she was brought up speaking. She said that her mom spoke to her in Spanish, but that she only ever replied in English. I said, "Oh, kinda like Chewbacca and Han Solo?" FML
    18. Nobody Worthy
    19. DeathToll77
      Today, I was giving my boyfriend a blow job, he was twitching and moving around and saying "oh yeah" then he said "take that *****". I looked up to see he was only excited about how he is domination in Call of Duty 4.
    20. DeathToll77
      I went to that website, I am on page 33 and have read every one so far. My favorite is "Me and this cute girl were in the weight room. I was confident on my strength improving. I decided to ask her for her number. She said "If you can lift what I am lifting." I could'nt

      I was talking to the guy I liked about making the soccer team. I told him I made it and he said great what's your number. I pulled out my cell phone and started saying my phone number. He laughed and said no your jersey.
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  • About

    Jul 4, 1993 (Age: 31)
    Right behind you!
    High School


    GT: Cheesepuffs96

    My Maps
    Pennyless v3(Featured,Best Of Forge: Best Mini-Game Winner)Don't slip!
    Map by Cheesepuffs96 and DeathToll77
    Hot Spots-Watch your fee...HEAD!
    And GIBBAR!!!...who also made my sig pic
