I'm assuming your coyote on Xf? Considering this is the email you gave me earlier today. I've never seen you on fh.
I was wondering if you could help me write some more guides on switches for my site. I still need and 'Advanced Switches' guide and guides on the different triggers (the ones you made a while ago)
Hey man I like that you're giving your expert advice on my switches it really helps. Also, are you still friends with Ferretness? If so, maybe you could ask him to restore H3A
I still don't give a **** im putting the preview up sometime later btw http://www.forgehub.com/forum/halo-forge-discussion/95481-bt-conquest-coolant-fields.html#post1133581
Hey i have a Remake of Sanctuary and i looked through your list of maps and i dont see one, so i thought i would tell you Here is a link to my thread about Sanctuary Sanctuary
Woah, hey wiggums. I read your stuff like i stated before and it means alot to have you comment on my page. But it's kind of my calling/curse to shine a light in the darkness, persay, so i'm still going to be an active member of forge hub. But I want to be a part of xforgery! :P I'll see you there, look for Rubber Duck or Oasis.