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Aug 31, 2009 at 9:30 AM
Mar 6, 2009
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xbrinkx was last seen:
Aug 31, 2009
    1. Mastar
      Also, if you delete all the starting points on a map without placing new ones. Save and quit. Then go back to it. The default starting points will be back because the map MUST have starting points on it and the game forces them.
    2. Mastar
      I saw you were having trouble with spawn points?

      Go into forge. Change into the monitor. Press start. Go to "Change Gametype"
      Select a gametype you want your map to be able to play with.

      It should start a new round.
      Now go and find the Starting points. They look like a normal spawn point except have these glowing ring things on them.

      Delete the ones down on the ground and place new ones up top. (remember to change the attackers and defenders if it's a team based map.)

      So for future maps, Remember to remove any default spawn points that are already on the map and place new ones in each gametype you want the map to support.

      I also recommend checking out Devinish's spawn points guide. Which explains how spawn points behave during gameplay.
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