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7y 8w ago
Dec 18, 2007
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Senior Member
HITtheLIGHTZ was last seen:
Jan 9, 2018
    1. squidhands
      But which way, though? In both directions or just toward the boxes that make up the camo room?
    2. squidhands
      I looked over what he did this morning, and I'm confused as to why he merged the wall over the garage door. Can you still get over the bridge wall to the right or was it just so you couldn't get on top of the boxes to the left?
    3. squidhands
      That's crazy. Yeah, that's totally cool. I was debating whether or not to mess with those breaks today (never got around to it), so I'm happy that someone beat me to it, lol. The garage door, huh? I thought that one was fixed...I'm not sure to go about fixing the other one with the jump pad. There's only $11 left so I'll have to see what zoro comes up with as far as saving budget
    4. XxTexasHornxX
      Yeah, that would be great.

      I'm off of school for Easter till Tuesday, so I'm definitely down for snipers. I'm also going to buy the maps today, so I'm down for running customs on Sandbox as well.
    5. XxTexasHornxX
      Congrats on the feature, man!
    6. squidhands
      Thanks, I'm waiting for Shock to change me over.

      You totally should. I've been thinking pretty hard about Project 6, so I'll be starting on it very soon. The main problem I'm having right now is where to put it, lol.
    7. squidhands
      Congrats, dude!
    8. squidhands
      Ah, Spring Break. How I miss that...
      Cool, I'll be on the lookout for you.
    9. squidhands
      You gonna be around this weekend? I'm planning on Avarice tests and would like to get your input since you already know the real map.
    10. TheEpicCiabatta
      Wassup my homie G dog home skillet biscuit?
    11. squidhands
      sweet, thanks.
    12. squidhands
      I got Phreakie to post two of the Harmony gameplay films on YouTube. The ***** of it is, they only host up to 10mins per clip, so both films have the last five minutes clipped off. It sucks, but it's better than nothing I guess.

      I was the last one to post in the Harmony thread, so could you bump it and post the links? Thanks.

      you and Tak:

      JayDee's rapefest:
    13. squidhands
      I may run into a budget problem, but if not the map should be ready for testing this weekend. I guess I'm gonna have to change the name though. Stupid sentinel beam...
    14. XxTexasHornxX
      I don't play FIFA. That is my brother. I have been playing Madden, but I have started to get tired of it. Anyway, I should be on tonight.
    15. XxTexasHornxX
      You up for playing some time? I'm on spring break, so I want to get back into it with the new season coming up, v6 out, and the new maps being out (although I'm not going to be able to get them for a while since Halo Wars doesn't interest me at all). Just hit me up with a message if you want to play since I'm not doing **** for a week.
    16. squidhands
      Done. While I was doing the copy/paste and updating the links, I noticed that someone else posted the link, just not as cool as I did it, lol.
    17. squidhands
      Meh, it got front-paged on bnet, so I would just be pointing out the obvious. Still think I should make a post in MLG?
    18. squidhands
      All right, I'll do it.
    19. rusty eagle
      rusty eagle
      It's better than msn or aim, get it you'll love it.
    20. rusty eagle
      rusty eagle
      No, I don't want to go near that site. It scares me. But, skype is a great alternative. Download it.