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Aug 8, 2013 at 12:09 AM
May 19, 2008
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Feb 25, 1994 (Age: 31)
United Kingdom

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Ancient, from United Kingdom

Senior Member
Hazza was last seen:
Aug 8, 2013
    1. I SeNTiNeL I
      I SeNTiNeL I
      I apologise for beating you to the Ribcage review hehe.
    2. I SeNTiNeL I
      I SeNTiNeL I
      Tbh the darkness is the whole point of it. Else i would have done a colourful sig that would have still had the sayains hair yellow etc.
    3. I SeNTiNeL I
      I SeNTiNeL I
      When i next have a spare day i think ill have to redo the sig picture and do a better job. Goku on the left is too blurred. I need to sharpen him up a bit. Annoyingly though im using a software that is not the best so to do that i will have to restart it lol. I agree the avatar is soooo much cooler. Very happy with it.
    4. I SeNTiNeL I
      I SeNTiNeL I
      Cheers for the reply on my introduction man. BTW do you like my new avatar and sig picture? I made them myself XD. First time i have ever done any graphics like this for a forum. Quite happy with them :)
    5. ManU7Chucho
      thanx for the B-day comment, i kinda thought no-one would notice.
    6. Hazza
      Made a tennis group for any pweople who like tennis, feel free to visit or join it.
    7. Hazza
      I'm back from Menorca :P
      But it's back to school on tuesday...
      at least i've got forgehub :S
    8. Hazza
    9. Hazza
      As from this Friday I am going to be on holiday in Menorca for 2 weeks...C YA LATER :p
    10. squidhands
      No problem sir. Good quality post are always welcomed and don't go unnoticed.
    11. E93
      No prob
    12. Hazza
      I finally decided to make an introduction thread for myself!
      Click on the link here:
      A late inroduction is better than none...
      Say your hellos and stuff like that in the thread. Well, what ever you want to say really.
    13. Boydeh ..
      Boydeh ..
      That sounded dodgey .. :P
      Have fun it .. =]
    14. Boydeh ..
      Boydeh ..
      I'll keep trying =]
      As long as i beat DRiSCOLL :P
      He was annoying me before he went on holz because he has more posts :P
      I had 300 and he has 1040 .. then i got 700 in a week!!!
      And i got another week to zoom ahead and i have already been on holiday!
    15. Boydeh ..
      Boydeh ..
      I shall ! =]
      He has 2,500 odd don't he ?
    16. Boydeh ..
      Boydeh ..
      Lol i know ..
      Trying to beat DRiSCOLL's post count =]
      1040 he has and im beating him now =]
    17. BRskillz
      hey i read ur comment i have a map with a lot of geo merging its should be on the forum list thing its called mini foundry
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  • About

    Feb 25, 1994 (Age: 31)
    United Kingdom
    Astral Bean
    Hey, I'm Harry. I'm 16 years old and see below for all that other info.
    Sometimes, it will be my younger brother online so if you hear a high voice, it's not me.
    You probably won't but if you want to join me in a chat, please message me in advance!

    Tennis, Socialising, Running, Bike-Riding, Music, Xbox 360 etc...

