Indie Anthias
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Apr 22, 2022 at 5:30 PM
Jan 5, 2008
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govt. resource abuser, anthropology student

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Indie Anthias

Unabash'd Rubbernecker, from Texas

Senior Member
Indie Anthias was last seen:
Apr 22, 2022
    1. Jpec07
      Okay, so I've made a Conquest map on Sandbox and am having a difficult time trying to find people in the mythic playlist who want to play customs, or people on ForgeHub who actually have t3h Mythicz. So...I was wondering if you'd maybe wanna get a few people together and get a test-run going? I'd especially appreciate the opinions of the person who more or less officialized (invented?) Conquest on ForgeHub...
    2. Jpec07
      So, um, do you have Mythic?
    3. RightSideTheory
      I'll have to ask him about it, We finished the map and the gametype about a week ago.
    4. RightSideTheory
      Sorry to randomly ask this, but did AZN pass you the link to the new Cellars we made or to the Conquest v4 gametype?
    5. Agamer
      I would highly appreciate it Predicide if you were to update the Book of Conquest to include my Forgehub Conquest Forgeoff submission map. It has been done for quite a while yet I just haven't had the time to write up the post. So here you go here's the link. -link-
    6. SargeantSarcasm
      yeah, it works with Dr. Manhattan ...not really with SSII

      haha yeah, I've been talking about it all day.

      People have known for a week that I was going to ditch friday to see it so everyone at school was asking me what I thought of it.
    7. squidhands
      For some reason I treat the books and the movies as two separate entities. There's so much in the book that the movie couldn't possible cover, and the lighter dialogue and random breaking into song give the book a totally different feeling to me than the movies do. Zepplin captured the feel of the books for sure, and IMO the score captured the movie. Uruk Hai theme rules.
    8. squidhands
      A shitty musical score will do that, but there can be and have been awesome exceptions (Star Wars, LOTR, etc).

      Seems like we have a difference of opinion here, which is the norm based on the reactions I've been reading.

      I may rot in hell, but at least I'll be near the good music. I never want to hear My Chemical Romance's raping of Desolation Row again. Ever.
    9. squidhands
      (con't, argh)

      I guess from all the war movies I watched during the 80s (irony), I've always associated All Along the Watchtower with Hueys flying into a warzone in Vietnam. Again I thought just a regular musical score would have worked a lot better.

      Aside from the music, I thought the movie itself was great. I think I actually cared about the characters more than I did in the graphic novel.
    10. squidhands
      (stupid word count)

      My opinion is that all of the songs could have been used a lot more subtly, and would still have been able to achieve the same effect. As they were in the film, I was constantly being pulled out of the moment. The worst was having to sit through the worst version of Hallelujah that I've ever heard (even if it was from Leonard Cohen), and on top of a sex scene at that. It wasn't even like they were listening the song over Archie's radio or anything, that I could have bought. It was just way overpowering and out of place. At the very least Snyder could have gone with a more subtle instrumental version of the song.
    11. squidhands
      It's not that I don't like any of the songs on their own, I just thought using them to move the emotional flow of the film the way a musical score does was a very bad choice. The Dylan intro was the only one that worked in the film. I understand the need to give off an 80s feel, but 99 Luft Balloons, a protest song over a scene of Dan's meeting with Laurie at the restaurant? Really?
    12. SargeantSarcasm
      I ignored the music (didnt notice the 99 balloons song until discussing it with Chuck) except for the Hallelujah one lol.

      john would say ----> reference to Ozy "I did the right thing right?" orrr?

      and yeah, I loved the movie...seriously just waiting for the directors cut, its going to be in theaters in LA and NY come June wooo
    13. SargeantSarcasm
      speaking of action...

      the camera is stationary in fight scenes...epic win.
    14. SargeantSarcasm
      such as camera angles and pacing lol.

      oh it when you can, its worth it.
    15. SargeantSarcasm
      ah... i see.

      i surprised to see how faithful it was to the comic...the only things I noticed changed were in regards to the ending of the film, like anything mentioned or seen earlier in the movie that alludes to the end have been altered slightly.

      other than that there are subtle omissions, but I'm pretty sure the biggest of those small omissions'll be in the +1hr Director's Cut.
    16. SargeantSarcasm
      dye see Watchmen?
    17. Kapura
      Yes, I did. Sorry, thought I responded, Guess not. All's fine by me, any changes you want made, I'd be happy to make.
    18. Ray Benefield
      Ray Benefield
      I hope you don't mind me janking the pics for the disputed lands in the Book of Conquest... I needed them for my Forging Theory article and the Standard Gametypes library... who do I need to credit for them?
    19. BASED GOD
      Gah, it violates the terms.
      nvm, but thanks.
    20. CHUCK
      i have a pet llama and i live in a mountainous region.
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  • About

    govt. resource abuser, anthropology student
    Indie Anthias
    I operate on a theatrical cosmology.


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