Ja Red is Ninja
Last Activity:
Mar 13, 2010 at 12:27 AM
Jan 20, 2008
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Ja Red is Ninja

Ancient, from Frog Hub

Senior Member
Ja Red is Ninja was last seen:
Mar 13, 2010
    1. exploreTheGore
      Hey, I made a new group called Living Infected. All about playing mini-games and infection. Here is the link for the group.
      Living Infected group page.
    2. Yevah
      hey man i was looking through broken blaze productions an noticed you got to join thats coo, an it looks like Irates is coming along great if you need any extra testers ill help.

      congratz on the exterminator
    3. WhiteNoob1
      ok thanks um i have no clue how to put maps on forgehub and ik it takes alot to be come a master forger but i love making maps for people and so thats why i wont to become really good
    4. exploreTheGore
      Thanks. I just like helping out the community even though I am considered a low rank.
    5. Blaze
      As soon as we get the back wall bases and boxes finished. I'm going to start on the other version I have it kind of planned. Just not completely. I'll have a bunch of work done then you can let me know what you think.

      So please get the back 2 boxes and that one ramp done really soon, so that I can start on that..
    6. Blaze
      Get anything done there bud?
    7. Enslaved bunny
      Enslaved bunny
      norm norm. after that get on xbl and i will send u a private chat cuz I has no more gold and i can not has party chat
    8. Enslaved bunny
      Enslaved bunny
      yarrr! u r gun laugh harrrd!
    9. Enslaved bunny
      Enslaved bunny
      yey norm norm! check out my new video on u tube.
    10. Blaze
      oki doki thank you. :-D
    11. Blaze
      did you see what i did with the map... Eh. It looks good but I think that is going to throw gameplay out the window... I hope not.

      If you find time at all you should slowly (or quickly) Do the other boxes, (the slanted ones.) even if you only do 1 a day.

      I think that CTF and oddball would play better on the bridge one while slayer, king and multiteam gametypes would play better on the other one.
    12. Blaze
      Any progress bud?
    13. Blaze
      yes please. I admit that it doesn't look the absolute best but it will play a bit better I believe.
    14. Blaze
      Do you remember the way that I had them before? coming out t the corner of the box. donno how to explain
    15. Blaze
      Everything is great but the ramps inside the 4 bases. I think that those ramps are going to take to long to get to when running through the middle part of "A" and "B" we can try it, but I at least suggest that we make a second version with the other ramps if we keep this one. Also by having that there it is promoting the high grounds a little bit more (which may not be the greatest) The other placement would push people a little more into the 2 sided bases more rather then having a straight walk to the high grounds. you know what I'm saying?
    16. Blaze
      ok. that's good. I'm still feeling extremely sick so I haven't been online or on live much.
    17. Blaze
      Hey I could probibly get on and keep you company for a little bit while you forge.
    18. Blaze
      I did a tad bit of work on the map Just did the last box and wall on the one side and set up the slanted open boxes on each base merged slightly.
    19. Blaze
      Alright bud. well take it easy... But what does D = add me mean? I'll add you onn the account I'm playing on.
    20. Blaze
      Sorry I couldn't get on last night my account Fn ran out. Add strenko814 and I'll play with you on there I think.
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  • About

    Home Page:
    Frog Hub
    Ja Red is Ninja
    I am part of BrokenBlaze Productions and I make machinima as part of ArchaicNinjaStudio.s

