GD27 BlueDevil
Last Activity:
Apr 16, 2012 at 6:19 PM
Jan 27, 2008
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Apr 25, 1990 (Age: 34)
Miami, Florida
Fighting Crime

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GD27 BlueDevil

Ancient, from Miami, Florida

Senior Member
GD27 BlueDevil was last seen:
Apr 16, 2012
    1. Mr Pokephile
      Mr Pokephile
      lols new accounts = fail. Just stick with one, don't bother making a new account to get your rank up... New account ranks don't mean ****. I got to like a 48 like 4 months ago on a new account.. Now I could easily get a 50 on a new account and I can't fit a general, I play generals 1v1 all the time and I loose, having a 50 will only get you trash talk in MM. Stick with a 45 - 49 man. Don't get a 50.

      I'll add your new account but...
    2. Bottlecap
      Yeah cuz you ****ing boosted. No offense but I hate boosters. They are garbage.
    3. Paulie Walnuttz
      Paulie Walnuttz
      no i am mythicless and i am working on a temp map with whats a scope
    4. Paulie Walnuttz
      Paulie Walnuttz
      its lovely hows it for you
    5. .RevO
      Sorry cant against the rules, just google it but with a f instead of b on bacility.
    6. Mr Pokephile
      Mr Pokephile
      I see your asking everyone that ushal.

      It is 1500$ and normal objects costs 5$... DTL already told you :P
    7. Draw the Line
      Draw the Line
      Sandbox's budget is a little over twice that of Foundry, but normal objects cost $5 now, rather than $4.

      I haven't played your map enough to leave a detailed comment on it.
    8. Saberwing 9875
      Saberwing 9875
      You find your ***** yet?
    9. FrankFries
      uhh yeah...
    10. FrankFries
      whoa, lots of posts.
    11. Shedo
      Hey i might not be on live for awhile so don't delete me.
    12. Hadokenchild
      Sup man. I didnt get the maps early. I got the LE of Halo Wars yesterday so I got the maps with that.
    13. AceOfSpades
      those bridges on Traumatized are probably at a little greater of an angle as stairs. They're not very steep at all.
    14. Blaze
      I've been changing accounts like crazy and using other peoples accounts and stuff... but I'll deff add you next tie I get on halo
    15. Bottlecap
      Thanks for misspelling my name in the thread. I feel loved.
    16. Mr Pokephile
      Mr Pokephile
      GD, I was mad because i had just spent 2 hours playing with whinnying kids, I was in a really bad mood and when you joined and the first thing you said was you had posted your map it set me off.

      I know i do talk down to you but its never serious, GD your one of the people I have the most respect for on this site so don't say I don't respect you. If I didn't respect you would I have ever helped you on High Voltage and Code impulse? Or would I have taken the time in a video to give a shout out to you by your self? No I wouldn't have. Your one of my better friends on FH.

      The reason why I got mad was because I wanted to teach you that you can't go in a game and tell everyone about your map all the time for publicity, it results negatively on yourself. Sorry if I got mad but I've been having a bad weekend..

    17. DeKnoZx
      Who are you?
    18. Mace
      that statment contradicts itself. Liar.
    19. Mace
      So your defense against booting my freind and calling him names was "i was just kidding, chilax!". Screw you, you arogant prick.
    20. Mace
      Thanks for calling my friend a duche you arogant asshole. First off, you join my game after spamming me invites, then you demoralize me as a forger, then you call the guy who started me forging, and is my friend above anyone here a duche. prick.
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  • About

    Apr 25, 1990 (Age: 34)
    Miami, Florida
    Fighting Crime
    GD27 ShockWav3
    I am a teenager that likes playing baseball, forging and messing around with my friends.

    Playing baseball, forging, building things and drawing.
