Ray Benefield
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Feb 17, 2022 at 2:58 PM
Nov 30, 2007
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Ray Benefield

Godly Perfection, from Bend, OR

Forge Critic

Cartographer API [CAPI]: Map Analytics for Forgers - http://www.forgehub.com/threads/cartographer-api-capi-map-analytics-for-forgers.151866/ May 3, 2016

Ray Benefield was last seen:
Feb 17, 2022
    1. Krazy Kumquat
      Krazy Kumquat
      You pretty much summed it up. Right now it's still just an idea, so I haven't really began drawing anything up just yet.
    2. Playerhata27
      Thanks AZN, I appreciate it :).
    3. Krazy Kumquat
      Krazy Kumquat
      After reading your Conquest Guide, it gave me an idea for a new style of conquest maps. Your description of the way it's supposed to play reminded me a lot of trench warfare. So I started thinking about how to build a trench based Conquest map. Right now it's only brainstorming, but I wanted to see what you thought.
    4. Creeping Death
      Creeping Death
      Hey, I am on my cell phone right now but when I get home and have access to my laptop I will respond in more detail. I am sure we can find a middle ground and compromise in a few ways that will make your posts 100% acceptable. The thing that sucks about the advertising rule is that is easily blurred, but we'll figure it all out.
    5. Agamer
      I see you've made a slight return to Forgehub sadly to only discuss your Conquest
      variant and map. I miss your high intelligent presence here.
    6. Insane54
    7. Yekkou
      For sure! haha, XF? my gamertag is vToastv if you didn't catch that on the title. Add me and we'll play sometime. I need to know how to up this map cause I think there might be some gamplay problems that I could make better...
    8. Shock Theta
      Shock Theta
      I'm about to head out in the car, sometime later this week I should be able to catch you if you're on however.
    9. Chron
      I can haz you as friend on Forgehub aswell?
    10. M.Jelleh
      Hey what's ur gt
      i wants 2 send u FR
    11. Indie Anthias
      Indie Anthias
      'tis cool. i stole them from b.net myself. all I did was add text.
    12. Furry x Furry
    13. damarco
      i have the red rings im going to get my 360fixed soon tho
    14. Goober
      Sweet, thanks man. I'll probably be loading up a map design pretty soon on XF, and maybe here. I've only got the first floor done tho... Maybe you can get a sneek peak!
      Well, Thank you... I made an account at XForgery but chances of me visiting the site to post and so on and so forth is slim to none at all. But, I guess I could try to remain active... Maybe I'll just stalk the forums like I did when I joined Forge Hub.
      Well, if you truly decide to leave Forge Hub then I hope you will help me Co-Host TGIF every other week. I can't stand to see my favorite AZN not joining my TGIF when it comes around. It's not going to be much of a TGIAD with only one Asian in the party and I hope you can Co-Host with me. All you have to do is join my game and help me host. I hope you change your mind about this community one day in the future. But, I'm not going to stop you anymore. Bust of luck in the future.
    17. Ray Benefield
      Ray Benefield
      So did you pre-order it?
    18. Chron
      Gladly will get on it after i get halo wars. which is very soon

      I'm gonna look around X forgery while i wait
    19. Chron
      Actually i was just thinking of joining that. May as well now. So.. Just a bit confused Do you still want me to do all the building objects or just some of them?
    20. Chron
      hello AZN just thought i would let you know that i should have the thread of the sandbox object sizes up in around 2 and a half hours. May seem long but i still haven't gone to get the game yet.
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    Home Page:
    Bend, OR
    Cloud Solutions Architect
    First Name:
    Last Name:
    Ray Benefield