Love Slice
Last Activity:
Sep 26, 2011 at 5:59 PM
Oct 2, 2008
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Not until I'm a little older

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Love Slice

Ancient, from Iowa

Senior Member
Love Slice was last seen:
Sep 26, 2011
    1. Pegasi
      Lol indeed, pretty distinctive as well.
    2. Pegasi
      I spy a name change, I thought it was you. I recognised your sig from the MLG forums.
    3. Love Slice
      Love Slice
      UPDATE: I never post here anymore so I doubt anyone will see this, but I figured I'd let everyone know I pretty much only post on the MLG forums now. I'm don't play competitive Halo anymore, but there's a lot of really cool people on the MLG forums and I've gained a lot of popularity there, so I don't have a whole lot of time to test at maps and such anymore.

      While my passion for forge has died, and I haven't actually downloaded and given feedback on a map in over a year, I still plan on coming back to this community some day. Probably when Reach comes out. I'd love to get back into forge, but currently I'm just not that interested in Halo.

      With that aside, thank you to all of the talented forgers who have made the maps I've played on. It's been a lot of fun over the years, and forge will always be a great way for people to express artistic creativeness.

      Take care, ForgeHub, take care. (And I'll try to start posting a little bit again)
    4. RaBBiiTTT
    5. RaBBiiTTT
      Dude how did you set your task bar to appear like Windows 7?
    6. Love Slice
      Love Slice
      UPDATE: Hey guys, it's been a long time since I've visited the site. I got a little busy during the summer and lost my interest in forge for a while, but now I'm back. I go by the tag "Love Slice" now since I changed my gamertag :)

      I stopped working on my map, too. I don't know if I'll ever finish it.
    7. AceOfSpades
    8. Callum
      Hey I remember you from Pel's how to make a map guide. My friend made a hilarious thread called the EPIC FAIL SLIDESHOW THREAD you should check it out I dont know where he gets that stuff but its hysterical.
    9. Agent Quack
      Agent Quack
      Well in my opinion there should be no rockets. no matter what people say.
    10. Agent Quack
      Agent Quack
      you think im actually going to waste my time reading that?
    11. Kion FH
      Kion FH
      Thanks for letting me know. It was just a mistake in typing/thought but thanks for helping!
    12. Cr1ms0nOrc
      soooorry I made 1 typo
    13. AceOfSpades
      Traumatized v3 has been posted!
    14. Love Slice
      Love Slice
      *News Update* Hey guys, I finally started forging a real map. Being the perfectionist that I am, I think it's going to turn out pretty well. But anyways, If someone wants to run some customs on it with me before I make a ForgeHub post, it would be appreciated. It should be done in a week or so.

      Map details: The map I am making is in the skybubble of Sandbox (shocker). It is a small to medium sized symmetrical FFA map. I started it on accident, actually. I was just messing around in forge when I realized I had a pretty cool concept. Then I just went with it. The map is completely interlocked, and I've tried to make everything as straight as possible (as I said, I'm a perfectionist). I'm also just getting back into forge after a long break, so it isn't my 100% best, but I'm mostly using it as a forge warm up, as I plan to make a map that I put my all into during the summer.

      More updates coming soon!
    15. Deathscythe
      lol thanks that was hawt
    16. C0RRUPTl0N
      Encounter, thank you for your view and your post, it was one of my favorites. I really put as much as an artist would into my maps to give it an artistic feel. Please spread the word and enjoy the map.
    17. xFr1ct10nx
    18. Public Servent
      Public Servent
      Looks like some one has already remade both Interobang and Transfusion I saw this on last weeks Bungie weekly update the site is called tied the leader Here is the.... LINK
    19. NXG Legendary
      NXG Legendary
      Welcome to NXG.
    20. xFr1ct10nx
      o dont worry ill get u i dun have enough time to, last night or right now, i have to go to school. bai
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  • About

    Not until I'm a little older
    Love Slice
    Hey, my name's Austin, I'm 15, and I play a ton of Halo 3. I'm a four star general on my old account (x Encounter x), but I'm now using a new tag: Love Slice. I mostly enjoy the competitive side of Halo, but I like casual play too. I'm a generally nice person, but I know how to lay down the smack talk :). I also play Castle Crashers Arena mode pretty competitively. I don't forge much anymore, but I still DL maps from FH... Oops, I'm out of space...

    Halo, CC, hanging with friends, paintball.

