wow you are fast lol... I guess that advance lock was a good idea... XD I had only just filled out the lock request, and I requested, and it was locked... niiiiiccceeee \o
\o lol... o and I told this to Linu and Ill warn you as well, he is already making a new thread, so requesting lock in advance. XD
I need to do work to... I'm going to take heaps of theory research to your house and I need to do my brief
Yeah, I'm pretty sure that's the plan. I'll pick you up and we go to the city, I can check out costume shops and op shops etc. and you can get your shoes then on Sunday we can go to the caravan show and after I can drop you off back at yours.
Looks fine as is. IMO, the way it should be done is each one should be critiqued by 2 or 3 people and then averaged out.