Felipe dos
Last Activity:
Nov 9, 2020 at 5:51 PM
Jul 15, 2008
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Jul 7, 1992 (Age: 32)
Greeley, Colorado
other stuff

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Felipe dos

Ancient, from Greeley, Colorado

Senior Member
Felipe dos was last seen:
Nov 9, 2020
    1. Boydeh ..
      Boydeh ..
      Umm ok then dw =]
      Thanks for trying anyway =]
    2. Boydeh ..
      Boydeh ..
      Did you give my good rep when it came out gray?
    3. Debo37
    4. Debo37
      Haha nice. One of the first things I did was post it on LoF. :P

      And as for your rep questions, you can only give rep if you have a green bar (or multiple green bars) and have over 20 posts.
    5. Boydeh ..
      Boydeh ..
      i asked my mate to ask a mod and this is what he said ..
      and the mod... explained to me about gray rep but i delete it lol he siad something about them having no good rep so it didn't count as green so no + or -

      But im still confused about it :P
    6. Boydeh ..
      Boydeh ..
      Well you did :P
      On the arbiter thread you gave me gray rep and commented saying you get it etc ..
    7. Boydeh ..
      Boydeh ..
      Dude did you give me grey rep?
    8. Debo37
      Probably. But now isn't a bad time either. Maybe post it now so that you get the afternoon and the evening people. It is 5 right now in New York... All you need to do is embed the dragon picture, have a catchy title, and link to Ire's Forgehub thread like this {url=linktoFHthread]Clickable Text (saying "ForgeHub Thread"[/url]. Maybe post your backstory and weapons list there too. To embed a screenshot on bungie, simply save the one you want to use (you should use the dragon one) to your service record gallery. Find it in your Bnet recent screenshots, and click save to gallery. Then make the post, and it'll show a link toward the top saying "add gallery screenshot." Click that, pick your picture, then type the rest of your text in the box as you wish. But put the ForgeHub link at the very top of your post. ;)
    9. Debo37
      Yep! Just place the link to the image between those tags, and it will display.
    10. Debo37
      It really doesn't matter, as ForgeHub scales images down automatically. 700x500 is a good size if you really want a specific size. I just leave 'em in the same resolution as I get from Bungie.net though.
    11. Debo37
      I shall explain. All you have to do is go to your picture on Bungie.net, and open up the Screenshot Viewer. Then, click on the picture, and a popup should come up asking you if you want to save or open the picture. Save it somewhere on your computer; it's best to keep things organized so make a folder named "Halo Screenshots" or "Halo Forge Maps" in your "My Pictures" folder. After that, log onto your Photobucket account, and upload the file from your computer. It will then give you a link to the picture, which you can place in {img] [/img] brackets to display a picture on a forum thread.

      Hope I helped!
    12. Debo37
    13. Y35 <3
      Y35 <3
      you dont have to, it didn't -rep me, =D
    14. Y35 <3
      Y35 <3
      idk, i dont remember that
      i'll +rep you tho, sorry
    15. Y35 <3
      Y35 <3
      Why did you try to neg rep me for nothing?
    16. evan12075
      finally you guys finished! this is going to be well worth it. and that pic does look pretty damn sexy...
    17. Debo37
      Check out this sick nasty edit I did to your dragon picture! Use it at the very top of your post, and just never use the normal Dragon picture:
    18. Debo37
      Post a reply in the "Giant F**king Dragon" thread so I can give you +Reputation so your bar is green and all is good.
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  • About

    Jul 7, 1992 (Age: 32)
    Greeley, Colorado
    other stuff
    Felipe dos
    Hello there!
