Sorry, i didn't get it up, Its will be something along the line of Dizfunkys and Locks sig shop, i will send you a link, i can just take your request now, just fill this out: *Render/Character: *Name: Style: *Color Scheme: Text-
Sorry about what Reynbow said. Trust him to be the one to do the thing you tell him not to do :/ Don't let it get to you though. I think you're fit, if it's any consolation...
I can see me building what amount to a 3 dimentional maze in that lower level, that uses up every foot of space. It would end up like a 5-story interior of a building, with constant room-to-room combat.. Idk.. just wanna forge, don't really care what.
Ehh i dont know yet.. The lowest level is interesting me the most. I'm going to be helping Shock Theta make an Ivory Tower(H2) remake, and i'd like to do a Damnation(H:CE) remake myself, but i think i'll just be experimenting for a while and seeing what can be done. You know it's going to be months, if not a full year, before the full potential of Sandbox is gained and people can be relied upon to make good maps.
Probably not until Sandbox comes out. Though I do have a few projects planned with G043R, and I do have a map on Foundry that's about 75% done...
thanks for asking, I'm in the testing stages but been very busy lately, expect it soon, I made some game play tweaks, aded more weapons, fixed spawns and made the whole map more smoother.