just finish it. if its done, and you can verify it, i'll vouch that you had it finished but couldnt submit due to internet problems. but only if thats the case.
I was not pro-reporting, nor did I want anyone to get in trouble. But I wanted to make it clear that Bungie most likely did not support the publication of these pictures. The member made the reporter sound like a douche bag, when quite possible he could be, but I wanted to consider the other side. I know the pictures are of low significance, and a low priority for Bungie.
I'm well aware of that, as I've previously stated in that thread. I just want to make it clear that I wasn't trying to act high and mighty. I obviously feel great the pictures are released, just with no word from Bungie what do you expect me to think?
Authority? I'm aware that I have none. Over anyone. I was simply stating that the pictures were classified, and I feel Bungie wouldn't want them to be publicized. Of course I appreciate the pictures, but it was obviously 'Top Secret'.
1) its 2 AM here. 2) I don't use that either, its nubbish. NUB. 3) no. 4) still 1337 5) I dont check every thread that I haven't read before.
well...the shield doors did...16 floating shield doors = 5 hours of forging... hadta make sure they were properly aligned, barely sunk into box's wall, just enough space between them... god it took forever right now im just getting all of the objects on default rats nest and moving em to the center then ill finish it off.
needed to add more shield doors. hadta do the cover and spawns by scratch anyway (the floor plan) so I figured I'd make it neater.
hadta rebuild my minigame from scratch... added more shield doors...seems like it'll be a faster paced game now, you can now shoot the trip mine 80% of the time and the shield doors still block the fusion coils completely.