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Feb 13, 2018 at 7:54 AM
Nov 25, 2008
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Legendary, from Fall Amy, Fly

Forge Critic Senior Member
RightSideTheory was last seen:
Feb 13, 2018
    1. E93
      LOL, but I was being serious.
      Like, wtf is a Laker???
    2. Soren515
      GT PhantomGunner51 I was there for all 5 hours of it and didnt miss a game.
    3. Soren515
      TGIAD was great want it?
    4. IPokeNinjas
      £6 is around 8.70USD
    5. IPokeNinjas
      I could even create a opening post to the whole thing on the forums, you know like what the whole things about and such to get people interested in it and to also get more people to contract shadowrun fever since its only 6 quid.

      Why dont you hit a post up sometime and send it to me here and then ill change it slightly to what i wanted to add myself :)
    6. IPokeNinjas
      I can get hold of 6 quite regularly on my friend's list so we could easily get hold of a 3v3 so depending on a Host we could get an 8v8 if we're lucky, depending on numbers again lol.
    7. Ray Benefield
      Ray Benefield
      in about 20 mins... send a FR to: AZN FTW
    8. IPokeNinjas
      It might work but it's if we could get enough members and depending on those numbers would dictate whether it should it be private or public matchmaking, it would also help if we got some help by front page advertising lol
    9. Ray Benefield
      Ray Benefield
      It's basically TGIF, just run AZN's way... everyone has fun and everyone get's to through in their opinions and try stuff...
    10. E93
      Which ones, guy?
    11. iZumi
      I don't wanna be nosy or rude, but I was just reading your conversation with Star of Knights and when you were explaining grammar and sentence structure to him, you spelled both grammar and sentence wrong. I don't wanna start anything, I just found that kinda funny.
    12. Star iz Legiit
      Star iz Legiit
      Man I just don't think like that on the computer because i am used to just writing anything that I want to on here,do you know what I mean?
    13. Star iz Legiit
      Star iz Legiit
      I know how to writeman,i get straight A's,i just didnt think of it i didnt think anyone would care
    14. RightSideTheory
      Oh, I thought it was from FH.
    15. Bloo Jay
      Bloo Jay
      He runs an affiliating forum.
    16. Bloo Jay
      Bloo Jay
      K, now you can sign in with RightSideTheory :)
    17. Bloo Jay
      Bloo Jay
      hey on SGP, you want me to change your name to RightSideTheory?
    18. LOCK.xcf
      Yes, i miss read, there for, i deleted the post.

      I apologize.
    19. ForgeGod117
      what's it to ya. actuaklly. And forget about it I ussadtally poast basdd posuts thatdt hasz nothnigh toofh does withth snaythntuh and theffy oftenr goooro involverd inngj othereer pepsll bussinehhtes!!!!

      spelling fail
    20. ForgeGod117
      when you got that warning in sandbox discussion it should of been an infraction which leas me to belive that you coulda been banned.
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    Fall Amy, Fly