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Nov 14, 2014 at 6:34 PM
Feb 19, 2008
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Dec 13, 1990 (Age: 33)
New Zealand bro
Turtle Scrubber

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Ancient, from New Zealand bro

Senior Member
Mastar was last seen:
Nov 14, 2014
    1. Titmar
      Lol i am proud too.
    2. _aj
      that's the word on the street?
    3. drak
      yo, im sorry, im gong and editing bad, it's not me anymore...just had a really bad day...sorry man
      I feel like **** for doing even that.

    4. Nick Novikov
      Nick Novikov
      haha i appreciate that. at 1st i thougth iw rote to much and wouldnt have read it
      but i was wrong :P
    5. Nick Novikov
      Nick Novikov
      lol if i shortened it it wouldnt sound as dramatic and "inspiring" :P
    6. Nick Novikov
      Nick Novikov
      awesome story :p
    7. Nick Novikov
      Nick Novikov
      lol thanks XD
      how did come to have your cat?
    8. Nick Novikov
      Nick Novikov
      Sorry if I bored you lol. That was a bit too long. :p
    9. Nick Novikov
      Nick Novikov
      Then all of a sudden my cats had staredown between eachother. Apparently, my cats were afraid of my new cat because they would run when they saw him. Unfortunatly that soon changed. My weiner dog didn’t like him much either. After a couple of days I officially let my new cat stay in the house permanently. Eventually most my pets got used to him. The cats still have fights with eachother though still to this day. He has gained weight also and now looks like a well groomed cat. Every night he sleeps with me in my room, purring me to sleep. I call him, Frisky.
    10. Nick Novikov
      Nick Novikov
      He eventually started noticeing where I would come from, my front door. After a while he started trying to go in with me but I wasn’t to sure how all my other pets would react. Much a week passed and I finally let him in. I only let him see the basement though. Letting him explore there 1st.
    11. Nick Novikov
      Nick Novikov
      I came back with a handful of catfood and went to where he was hiding. I layed the food down on the floor next to some boxes and backed up. He slowly came out and started eating like he hasn’t been fed in weeks. I felt a bit relieved that he was eating and came to pet him. I stuck my hand out and he quickly grasped me with his claws and bit me on the hand. I praying to God that he didn’t have rabies. But I didn’t flinch much just waited till he stopped and backed off. It didn’t take to long, he only bit me for bout 2 seconds. I think he sensed that I wasn’t there to do any harm considering that fact that I gave him food. I tried to pet him again and he let me. After a while he actually layed down on me and started purring. I felt happy. I wanted to adopt him. I knew his former owner must have abused him because he had a bent tail at the tip. For several days this continued. I made him a little “house” out of blankets and boxes.
    12. Nick Novikov
      Nick Novikov
      This happened during the summer of 2007. My garage is always open during the summer so anything can come in. So one day im in the garage and I see that my dog is having a "seizure" and is barking mad at a couple of boxes. I wondered to myself “WTF is he barking at?” So I as I come closer to the boxes, I get hissed at and then the cat runs back into my garage even more. I left but planned to come back later to “examine” this cat more. I came quietly back and occupied myself with something to do while waiting for the cat to come out of hiding. Eventually he came out and I could see how dirty, abused looking and skinny he was. I thought to myself “He must be stray!” As he was coming out of hiding, he noticed me and went back to hiding. I felt bad for the poor cat and went back inside the house to get some catfood (I had 2 cats before I had him).
    13. Nick Novikov
      Nick Novikov
      ok. how do i get rid of bb font though? idk wtf there talking bout
    14. Nick Novikov
      Nick Novikov
      I wrote the whole story for you but its to long and bb font code or whatever isnt allowed.

      What if I make a thread in general dissusion for it and for u? Will that be against the rules somehow?
    15. CHUCK
      lolll i read the whole "how not to fail at life" picture in the om nom. epic.
    16. Nick Novikov
      Nick Novikov
      pffft of course i didnt even have to ask :P
      anyways its interesting to how i came to have my cat.
    17. Nick Novikov
      Nick Novikov
      Thats an extremely good thing right?
    18. J A Y
      J A Y
      Step 4!! yay
    19. Whisper
      Heh, thanks ;)
    20. Penguinish
      ITT: Bitches who lock GOLDEN topics :3
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  • About

    Dec 13, 1990 (Age: 33)
    New Zealand bro
    Turtle Scrubber
    teh mastar
    My hobbies, etc
