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Sep 24, 2016 at 2:39 PM
Aug 11, 2008
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In a coca-cola machine
Student, Chuck Norris Admirer

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Gone For Sec, from In a coca-cola machine

Senior Member
DeathToll77 was last seen:
Sep 24, 2016
    1. Sotha Sil156
      Sotha Sil156
      More original.

      I also just posted this. Sorry if it isn't very good.
    2. Sotha Sil156
      Sotha Sil156
      How is your post going? What is it called?

      Based off of what you know of my idea, what do you think it should be called?
    3. Sotha Sil156
      Sotha Sil156
      I see. What did you do to fix it?

      I probably won't be online until after eight or nine, so I might make a tiny bit of that map if you can't come on. I'll give you a hint, it's a competitive ODST themed assault game with randomized features that should hopefully make the map an incredibly interesting and fun experience every time it's played. I have also thought of a way to fix the problem with randomized objects not being very random when a very small number of them spawn, though that's probably been thought of before too.
    4. Sotha Sil156
      Sotha Sil156
      I may be online tonight.
    5. idiotninja
      Studying for a test. Well two actually.
    6. Resix
      Deathtoll i had epic sex idea. Gauss and mouse with deathpit around the gauss leading to no honor rules= FEATURE NAO! and than Nada Pesos! which is going to be the sandbox version of pennyless. i will be premium in no time lulz!
    7. Sotha Sil156
      Sotha Sil156
      I'm serious. Don't be surprised if it is completely unoriginal. It fits really well with my original story though and I've been thinking about it for a few days. I believe that there are several gameplay concepts and techniques we could use to make it play well. Unless those are unoriginal too. : ( In that case, we'll have to decide to abandon the idea or not ) :
    8. idiotninja
    9. idiotninja
      I know!!!!!!!11111111111111111!11!!!!11!11one!111111!111111!!!!elevcen!!11!!1!!!one!111!11onehundredeleven!11!1111111!111oneone!1!11one111111!!!!1!1!one!!1one
    10. Sotha Sil156
      Sotha Sil156
      I have ideas that might make the ODST map Feature NAO! only as long as no one has made a map like it already, which I doubt. I will tell you about it next time we're both online.

      Tell me how DMZ goes if you ever get to test it, despite the fact that people don't have to crouch.
    11. idiotninja
      I can't now. I have guitar/ That message was 40 minutes ago. Maybe when I get back.
    12. idiotninja
    13. KB
      Good luck on Pennyless... I think it deserves it
    14. Sotha Sil156
    15. idiotninja
    16. idiotninja
    17. idiotninja
      But on that note, Tremor Blast should most certainly win mini-game category. that map has been played thousands of times since its release.. entire days have been wasted playing tremor blast. hardly the same can be said about its competitors. itll be a sad day if it doesnt win at least mini-game. thats just my personal opinion, not looking for a debate -Lightsout
    18. Sotha Sil156
      Sotha Sil156
      I wanted him to help in placing destinations, since he did such a great job on his rocket race map.
    19. Sotha Sil156
      Sotha Sil156
      Oh, and when are you going to get online next?
    20. Sotha Sil156
      Sotha Sil156
      You steal my destination placer!
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    In a coca-cola machine
    Student, Chuck Norris Admirer

    Lacrosse, Girls ftw!!!




    Cold Feet on Hot Spots-DeathToll77, idiotninja, catmon
    Coin Slot on Pennyless(featured)(BEST OF FORGE: BEST MINI GAME WINNER!!) By DeathToll77 and idiotninja​

    Wishbone(featured)(Best of Forge Runner Up, Innovative objective gameplay. Brought to you by: DeathToll77 and Zombivillan​

    Prismblock-by Adelyss And DeathToll77​