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Sep 10, 2013 at 10:07 AM
Jan 30, 2008
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June 25
Standard: Jund Aggro

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Ancient, from Standard: Jund Aggro

Senior Member
Chipsinabox was last seen:
Sep 10, 2013
    1. hitman slayer33
      hitman slayer33
      I see I see..I hear theyre getting pretty annoying but they never seem to notice me..
    2. hitman slayer33
      hitman slayer33
      KThx..didnt realize not good at measuring the pixels..
    3. Tex
      I knew the name & music tastes, but teh bares/!?1?
    4. Tex
      Ya, it's kinda eerie.
    5. Tex
      This guy kinda reminds me of you, in more ways then the name.
    6. cakeChart
    7. cakeChart
      Far Cry 2 needs to include the crypt. It will be part of the symmetrical map.
    8. SargeantSarcasm
      probably be Non-DLC or something
    9. cakeChart
      Cause I am, so FC2 would be delayed if you don't.
    10. Ak Gumby
      Ak Gumby
      Lol, I like how he called you a fatass, when you actually take time to post a picture of yourself when you are apparently not fat.

      Nubs these days.
    11. The Desert Fox
      The Desert Fox
      Oh NO! Your opinion! It's so important! Thank God I now know what you think so I can write back for your approval.

      Maybe in your spare time, instead of shooting off ridiculous statements about how MY arguments don't hold any weight, you would get off your fat ass and do something.
    12. cakeChart
      CHIPS WE MIGHT GOT AN ISSUE! You're getting WH:LE, right?
    13. The Desert Fox
      The Desert Fox
      What a shocker! A reprimand. Always funny how the observer (the objective observer basing his views on fact and reality) is the one ridiculed. Or, excuse me, that's only on websites where the imbeciles watch the backs of nepotistic clods. Perhaps if you had read my post from an objective point of view instead of the view of the back of Tex's head as you engaged in homosexual intercourse, you would have seen that even though it may be over a year old, IT IS STILL THE MOST RECENT FEATURE! Your failure to distinguish this seemingly obvious fact only further demonstrates your moronic thought process and pugnacious personality. In the future, kid, try not to make a comment whether it be on a Halo 3 forging community website or your next 5th grade book report because you clearly cannot grasp the simple concept of observation, let alone the fact that you are, quite clearly, a defined failure.
    14. cakeChart
      "Just like mom used to have"
    15. cakeChart
      Damn. Then it should be shaped like boobs. Huge boobs in the sky. I can see them now...
    16. cakeChart
      We should totally make the asymmetrical shaped like a *****, and only when one did a forge through they would notice.
    17. cakeChart
      And we have proof that it was our idea.
    18. cakeChart
      Yeah! **** release dates and mai lack-o-xbox, this map gets built now!
      (We might want to delete this conversation so no one steals our great idea)
    19. cakeChart
      Yes. It's name will be Far Cry 2. 2 different maps in one. Far=Symmetrical variant, Cry=Asymmetrical variant. We will take BoF by storm with the greatest map ever, which will introduce new and exciting forge techniques, including geo-floating and inter-timed map events.
    20. cakeChart
      We should totally make the best sandbox map evar. Like the best minigame. It will win every best of forge category. Including Far Cry 2. All in one map.
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  • About

    June 25
    Standard: Jund Aggro
    She was going with a cinematographer
    Everyone knew that he was really a pornographer
    They went down to the dance and grind
    And everybody was feeling fine
    She was talking with syllable lisp
    And everybody she knew was gonna get the twist
    And they all went down and did the porcupine
    And everybody was feeling high