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Dec 2, 2009 at 6:52 PM
Oct 23, 2008
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Ancient, from Sea-Town, bin behind starbucks

Senior Member
urk was last seen:
Dec 2, 2009
    1. E93
      Is it just me, or are you specially greener today?
      No, lol, but really.
    2. InferiorPigeon
      Haha, it's okay Urk, you don't need counting to be successful.
      Ohh, and now we have more walls!
    3. SargeantSarcasm
      so the former? thats what I thought, heard otherwise. thank you.
    4. urk
      Nope. If you are above the bubble and you fall through, you die.
    5. SargeantSarcasm
      can you clarify something for me please?

      the skybox, is the ground like a killball, where its instant death, or is it possible to fall onto the map proper?
    6. M.Jelleh
      what's up bungie man?
      awesome sandbox info =P
    7. Something.
      Your news of sandbox has caused me much pain.

      RROD, see.
    8. urk
      No love for me. Dan Miller and Lars Bakken, along with all the other folks on the team made Sandbox happen.
    9. ForgeGod117
      you must be looking at the sandbox discussion thread and laughing.
    10. TrueDarkFusion
      I can haz chocolate chip pancakes?
    11. RightSideTheory
      Ohai. Just incase you missed my thanks in the flood of love for bungie, I'd like to remind you. THANK YOU SO MUCH. This is really the best thing you could have done for forge. You guys took it to the next level. Pancake Theory ftw, you sneaky weasle.

      Also, I've decided to send Bungie a gigantic thank-you cake. What flavor you guys want ^_^?
    12. InferiorPigeon
      XD, and you said the "Pancake Theory" was a bunch of bologna.
      You meant to do that didn't you?
      Or was it really just a coincidence?
    13. SargeantSarcasm
      in b4 flood of fanboy love.

      im not a fanboy, but i love you all. lol.

      I got bored of halo a long long time ago and the news that just released has spurred my creativity onward.
    14. Matty
      "Seriously, you guys get so worked up over this kind of stuff. It's not going to be a problem for the overwhelming majority of players. For the select few that will be hitting the object limit, it's really not a huge chore to load up a map that already has the items neatly stacked and organized off to the side.

      You'll have much more freedom then you did on Foundry. I guarantee it. But you're never going to have unlimited potential in any map editor. And it's probably good to keep in mind that Forge was never intended to be a full-on map creation tool, it's been upgraded every chance we've had along the way.

      If I were you guys, I'd wait until next week before I got too worked up anyway."

      Please do not take the views reflected in the Sandbox thread as a unified reaction here at FH. We are all overcome with joy to see that our interests are being appealed to by Bungie, and were eager to get our hands dirty and build some masterpieces.
    15. Gamerguy45
      Do all Bungie members get flaming recon or just the people who developed halo 3?
    16. Conkerkid11
      IHOP tastes very good! I searched on Google for where Urk gets his pancakes and Google's telling me your name should be spelled "Uk." Urk, you spelled your name wrong. LULZ!
    17. Resix
      IHOP amirite? or family pancake house
    18. urk
      Original Pancake House
    19. Bloo Jay
      Bloo Jay
      Hey, where'd you get your pancakes?
    20. Juggernaut
      The grid in Sandbox, will it be "sticky"? As in, if you put a double box close to the line will it hug the line perfectly or will we just have to use the grid as a reference for how straight and lined up things will be in the map. I know the problem I have the most with making a map is it being straight and lined up correctly... And if you can't answer that, then it leaves room for me to hope. Thanks.
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    content weasel
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