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Feb 27, 2022 at 7:17 PM
Dec 1, 2007
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No u Aug 21, 2019

Insane54 was last seen:
Feb 27, 2022
    1. Insane54
      I noticed. They seemed pretty decent, I'll have to bounce them off Toppum. I liked 'Monument', but it doesn't really get the feel of the map :(
    2. Whisper
    3. acex777
      i am looking to join the forge hub testers guild and so here is my application

      * Availability---i am availabil whenever i am on inless i say other
      * Promptness with time-when invited or right after I finish a game (if in one)
      * Know-how with Forge techniques, when they are necessary, and how to explain them i know all techniques and can use them
      if necessary although i am not to handy with geomerging
      * Pleasant to play with---always
      * Fair judging for all types of games----of course
      * List the map packs that you have bought and can play on (None, Heroic, Cold Storage, Legendary, All)----all
      * Why do you want to join the Guild?i looking for something to do on halo 3 i can forge but not great but i love looking at maps
      and giving ideas
      * Age and Gamertag i am 17 and my gamertag is ACEx777

      an on a side note i also live in dertoit Michigan well taylor but thats a short 20 mins from Detroit so :D
    4. Insane54
      It was so hawt.
    5. Mr Pokephile
    6. Insane54
      lines of sight
    7. Conkerkid11
      01101110 01101111 00100000 01110101 00100001

      I'm sorry, I had to do it! Lulz...

      What map is that I see in your Album?
    8. Shanon
      LoS? wtheck is that?
    9. Insane54
      Eh, I think LoS and the hill should take priority over flow if it can be. Flow kinda took a back seat during the design stages because i focused so much on LoS, and now I'm struggling to get it evenly flowing.
    10. Shanon
      exudate, surge, effusion, emanation, outflow, plethora, overflow, percolate,
      Just some words reltaing to flow. Exalted has been used numerous times.
    11. Insane54
      Uh, I assume that means something that I don't know. Never been in a church before, or any of that kinda stuff...
    12. Shanon
      "Requiem æternam dona eis, Domine ...."
    13. Insane54
      Yeah, I know. I kind of like MLG Exalted. It's a stretch, but it kind of means the same as the general map setting. Requiem is pretty decent.
    14. Shanon
      kinda numba 2.
      But your miising the poit here. You see, when you pronounce it, it just comes of easily. All smooth and yummy for the tongue.
      You know what Im talking about?
    15. Insane54
      1. Requiem Roman Catholic Church
      a. A mass for a deceased person.
      b. A musical composition for such a mass.
      2. A hymn, composition, or service for the dead.

      How does that have anything to do with the map, lol?
    16. Shanon
      Im telling you, Requiem sounds great for a map.
      I mean, the word has a nice flow to it. It reminds me of the structures of the map.
    17. The Cheat
      The Cheat
      just thought I'd drop in and give you a random: NOOOOO!!!!!!

      Good day sir.
    18. Fbu
      Grabbin peels
    19. Y35 <3
    20. Roche178
      Hey dog inv nao.
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