Toxic Spade
Last Activity:
Nov 1, 2010 at 9:56 PM
Aug 21, 2008
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Yelling at little kids on xbox live.

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Toxic Spade

Ancient, from Here

Senior Member
Toxic Spade was last seen:
Nov 1, 2010
    1. Conkerkid11
      He went ahead and got himself banned again... what's his problem?
    2. Conkerkid11
      Please, look at what Corruption just posted on my page...
    3. Inactive user 452356
      Inactive user 452356
      Hey, how;s it going?
    4. Inactive user 452356
    5. Inactive user 452356
      Inactive user 452356
      Meh. So bored and it's like 12 pm. So tired, but it's Friday night, who cares.
    6. Inactive user 452356
      Inactive user 452356
      Hey, it's you. Didn't you say you don't go on Forge Hub that much?
    7. Conkerkid11
      Ur link dun put me on a blank page. You had better have a good reason why the map is pending Toxic!
    8. Conkerkid11
      Now Corruption and his buddy are trying to make me feel bad... what a jackass. I was getting back at him for rating my map poorly and spamming... and what I said was true. What a jerk...
    9. ShaddoBlade
      OH NOES! Castlanche is only on page 3! lol. I was gonna post on it, but didn't wanna seem like I was bumping it. You should definitely get a TGIF group going that will always play at least one game on Castlanche. I would join it. I haven't played Castlanche in sooo long and I would have to say that I miss it.
    10. Conkerkid11
      People are hyping Corruption's new map... Cliffside... I posted on it. Pissing me off how his crappy maps are getting all the attention when all the real pieces of art are gettng tossed back to page 2.
    11. Conkerkid11
      You should see the new picture of Sandbox! Need a link to 'em, ask me! This map looks so... epic. You would be able to make a Castlanceh 10x bigger and better and more kickass then ever... I can't wait to see what is going to be made first.
    12. Inactive user 452356
      Inactive user 452356
      Almost done with that map? I can't wait to co-forge with you.
    13. Conkerkid11
      I need more friends... how did you get so many friends? Castlanche and not making as many smartass posts as me? Probably...
    14. Conkerkid11
      Here comes Corruption again... another high in the sky Avalanche map. See if ya got any problems with it! All I know is that he's mad that he got banned even though his spamming was obviously intentional. Once again his thread fails to have a Weapon List, Description, or anything. It just has a giant red box that complain about how he had 2 threads ready and they wouldn't post because he was banned...

      I'm going to see if this map is even worth all this attention he's getting because that last map sure as hell wasn't worth a feature NAO as badly as everybody made it sound.
    15. Matty
      I retired because some changes weren't going to happen. Evidently they did.
    16. Conkerkid11
      OoOoOoOhhhhhh... Blackout. Can't wait! Hope it's color coded!
    17. RaBBiiTTT
      hey man havana v2 us out
    18. Conkerkid11
      Release it already! I can't wait any longer!!! Tellz me when you are gonna release it, I want 2 post on the first page!
    19. aDeAdHeRo875
      well i will do that but i don't think everyone else would like it, i mean i just one person right? and everyone else loves your map. so if i were you i would keep it the same for the other people.
    20. ForgeGod117
      Never mind i won't be making the video but you should post your map for submission in this thread.
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  • About

    Yelling at little kids on xbox live.
    Toxic Spade
    I've made a ton of maps on Halo 3. I am a bit of a perfectionist when it come to forging so I take forever to forge. I absolutely HATE map variants that are made on foundry, mainly because it's over used. If you need help with forging just send me a message! My GT is the same as my username!



    | Castlanche - [​IMG] - Bungie Favs - Best Non Foundry (Winter 08) |