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Nov 10, 2010 at 3:17 PM
Aug 10, 2008
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Medicine Hat, AB
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Ancient, from Medicine Hat, AB

Senior Member
Tydo was last seen:
Nov 10, 2010
    1. Seaboro Kibbles
      Seaboro Kibbles
      Conurbation? for the vip thingy, or conquest. What doest Conurbation even meen?
    2. Seaboro Kibbles
      Seaboro Kibbles
      Oh ya, i've tested if vips could spawn specifically, after a long time i came to the conclusion that they can't, so i've given up on that. Right now i'm working on a game where you try to pick up your vip off the ground with a hornet without getting raped by the zombies. It's still got alot of kinks but i think it could be better than tank run.
    3. Seaboro Kibbles
      Seaboro Kibbles
      I've got some footage and i'll send it to you tomorrow, no big deal if you don't use that song, just pick something that sounds cool. What does 'thp' meen?
    4. Seaboro Kibbles
      Seaboro Kibbles
      I've got a song: Fireworks by Tragically Hip.
      Metropolis is a linear-symetrical-non-locking-territories map, or a conquest map. It boasts great aesthetics and, unlike most other conquest maps, great field of view. In forge mode the map features two working escalators that work only for the connection host in custom games.
      I'm not done testing, and i would rather make a video of a fun game, not conquest. I've decided that competive maps are a complete waste of time, they don't compair to more fun casual games. Bungie made like 20 maps for us to play competitivly on, i don't see why we would need more. I have many ideas that would rely on vip spawning separetly, if i pull it off it will change mini/casual games forever, i'm focusing on that right now. Regardless i'll send you the map and game footage asap.
    5. Tydo
      Here is the link to my first macinima short, enjoy and please comment
      Halo's Radio Stations on Vimeo
    6. Seaboro Kibbles
      Seaboro Kibbles
      Are you going to have a commentary, why would you need a script? Anyways, I'll think about the song and stuff, i'll send it to you asap which may be a day or two from now. Thanks again!
    7. Seaboro Kibbles
      Seaboro Kibbles
      I was working on a conquest map, which featured two escalators, and they worked fully in forge mode, but soon into testing i found that the escalator only works for the connection host This wasted about 10 hours of my life, its difficult to describe how mad i was, I think it had potential to win the conquest competion. Its still a great game with it's two brocken escalators, i guess. Hey, you know when i was in your party for like two seconds, thats when i realized that, lulz. Anyways, right now i'm focusing on how to make a vip spawn in a specific location, this will be a huge breakthough, if i ever figure it out. I'll have 'Metropolis' (the broken conquest map) on my share as soon as i'm done testing and editing, i'll save a film and send it to you, thanks a lot!
    8. Tyberiousfusion
      I saw the video man nice job really well done
    9. Seaboro Kibbles
      Seaboro Kibbles
      Hahaa! that was pretty ridiculous. The sound quality was great, good song choices too. Did you post the video in the video forum here?
    10. Tydo
      [vimeo]<object width="400" height="300"><param name="allowfullscreen" value="true" /><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always" /><param name="movie" value="http://vimeo.com/moogaloop.swf?clip_id=3112236&amp;server=vimeo.com&amp;show_title=1&amp;show_byline=1&amp;show_portrait=0&amp;color=&amp;fullscreen=1" /><embed src="http://vimeo.com/moogaloop.swf?clip_id=3112236&amp;server=vimeo.com&amp;show_title=1&amp;show_byline=1&amp;show_portrait=0&amp;color=&amp;fullscreen=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowscriptaccess="always" width="400" height="300"></embed></object><br /><a href="http://vimeo.com/3112236">Untitled</a> from <a href="http://vimeo.com/user1266646">Frank Grey</a> on <a href="http://vimeo.com">Vimeo</a>.[/vimeo]
    11. Seaboro Kibbles
      Seaboro Kibbles
      sounds cool, send me linkzies asap
    12. Seaboro Kibbles
      Seaboro Kibbles
      eh, whatever, i support them, if they actually get some good reviews, keep the quality up, it should be pretty cool.
    13. Seaboro Kibbles
    14. Seaboro Kibbles
      Seaboro Kibbles
      forge lobby is where they review maps like distortion, eight emerald legs, via video. Thats pretty cool that they would accept my map along with those ones.
    15. Tydo
    16. Seaboro Kibbles
      Seaboro Kibbles
      I should be back online soon. And i've got some ideas for the new slammer, but there are some serious vip spawn problems i need to work out. And thanks for the nomination on smear the pinkie, the way you posted it looks epic.
    17. Seaboro Kibbles
      Seaboro Kibbles
      Alright, if you wish.
    18. Seaboro Kibbles
      Seaboro Kibbles
      I'm assuming this is competitive, and i usually don't do competitive, but anyways. Is this a symmetrical game? Will it be the same thing on the other side? Or will it be more of a very small map, within the base of avalanche. I don't think adding to the already existant base would make a huge effect, or will this be more aesthetic?
    19. Seaboro Kibbles
    20. Seaboro Kibbles
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    September 2
    Medicine Hat, AB
    Student, Director
    Lanky Frank
    Prepare for a doom! in which there is no preparation!

    Video Production, Game Design, Kickboxing


    ~~~Halo 3~~~