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Jan 9, 2018 at 11:31 PM
Dec 18, 2007
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Senior Member
HITtheLIGHTZ was last seen:
Jan 9, 2018
    1. squidhands
      Sweet, I'll go check it out.
    2. squidhands
      Did you play Harmony at all this weekend? I didn't realize until I posted it up on my fileshare that Tak stacked some of the spawn points on each other. I really don't think that makes one bit of difference, all you do is use the one on the top. I got some games in and it seems like the one without respawn areas works a little better.
    3. Vicious Vice
      Vicious Vice
      was that u that send a FR cause i decline it by mistake.
    4. Transactionzero
    5. squidhands
      That was the most epic forging session ever. I hope that map gets tons of DLs.
    6. squidhands
      Yeah, he mentioned that and I noticed the ones that were changed. I'll set up a version with no respawn areas as well to see if it works better. The team version that we played with Salty and bnasty doesn't have any and it worked pretty well.
    7. squidhands
      I got the version that Tak geo-ed the double wall to free up some cash. I redid the snipes and ever-so-slightly tweaked the weapons. I've messaged Zanno a couple of times to no avail so if you guys are happy with how I have it set up currently then I say we just go for it. I'll have it in my fileshare by tomorrow probably.
    8. rusty eagle
      rusty eagle
      Get on live nub
    9. Star iz Legiit
      Star iz Legiit
      ok man,thanks,oh yea
      if you know anybody that needs there map tested,then just tell them that I am available when ever they want
    10. Star iz Legiit
      Star iz Legiit
      yea i seen it and i just wanted in,so is it not running anymore
    11. Star iz Legiit
      Star iz Legiit
      hey can I join the mlg map makers guild,I havnt yet made a great mlg map but I am currently working on a very good one
    12. rusty eagle
      rusty eagle
      No I cannot see the pub.
    13. TaK
      get on??
    14. squidhands
      Yeah, I spawned there a bit, but I was happy to notice that I was spawning closer to Salty than the last TS game we played. If it continues to play well, I'll leave it alone. People will **** bricks when they find out how I've got it set up. :-)
    15. squidhands
      Hopefully should have the new version of Harmony up today. The team version is still running smooth, but I want to get in some different games before releasing it. I didn't get a chance to look at everyone's perspective in the film from last night, how were your spawns?
    16. M.Jelleh
      ya if they did that
      i'd be freakin perma banned
      and don't even ask me about dq lol
    17. M.Jelleh
      OMG u have been off for a whole hour
      take loyal away from u now

      lol jk
    18. chrstphrbrnnn
    19. KB
      loyalz?? Congrats broski
    20. squidhands
      I've played a shitload of Conquest games on a wide variety of maps, and this could easily be my favorite. I may be on later tonight.
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    GT: l Lightz l (l's are lower case L's)
