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Dec 2, 2009 at 6:52 PM
Oct 23, 2008
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Ancient, from Sea-Town, bin behind starbucks

Senior Member
urk was last seen:
Dec 2, 2009
    1. SargeantSarcasm
      Alright, thanks.
    2. urk
      I'd have to check to be sure.
    3. SargeantSarcasm
      does that trick work on pre-Mythic maps, or does it only apply to Sandbox?
    4. urk
      Sarge, yeah if you keep the items from the Default Sandbox layout and reuse them, the object limit is not affected. That's the way you want to do it.

      Jimbo, thanks man.
    5. Jimbodawg
      You've re-sparked Bungie. Thank you.
      The fact that you're always updating the blog is a relief, because before it was only a couple of entries a day.
      Good luck at world domination.. Spare me? =)
    6. SargeantSarcasm
      nice writeup dude. refreshing to see the caliber of language you use.

      anywho, I have a question. I've run into the OL before whilst forging on Foundry (I think its around 100 items, but it seems to vary due to random glitches, I once had closer to 200) and I was wondering if the system you elucidated with Lars has an effect on the current status of Forge.

      That is, can I use, say, default foundry, stack all of the items in a corner, and have a higher OLN than that of a canvas map?
    7. InferiorPigeon
      Haha, I love your name.
      And thanks for all of the blogs you have been posting over a B.net, they really help with keeping informed with all of the new stuff you guys are doing.
    8. Alec944
      Hey man, thanks for all you've done. I'm really enjoying my recon right now! :)
    9. rusty eagle
      rusty eagle
      so is it a lol or rofl at our sandbox speculation?
    10. thesilencebroken
      i just wanted them to stop trying to figure out the trajectory of how hes shooting both rockets. its pointless and they think it has meaning.
    11. Vicious Vice
      Vicious Vice
      how cryptic :)
    12. urk
      You won't have to worry about that for much longer now.
    13. thesilencebroken
      please, shed some light to the masses about the stupid rocket launcher picture in the sandbox thread.
    14. urk
      Sup, yo. :)
    15. Alec944
      Hey Urk, didn't know you were a member of forgehub. I was looking through the list of members with the respected rank and saw your name. Thanks for giving me that link to the MS rules page, I'm sure that will be able to help.
      Well, just wanted to say hey.
    16. AceOfSpades
      omg its urk from B-net
    17. ScarFac3d
    18. Nick Novikov
      Nick Novikov
      O ok. Thanks a lot urk for the help. :)
    19. urk
      Right now most of the selections are made via the Community Spotlights we run every week, but we do throw in our own picks from time to time.
    20. Nick Novikov
      Nick Novikov
      This might be a stupid question but, how do you get Bungie Favorites? I know you could submit stuff to Faculty B5D but I just found that out yesterday so I failed. But anyways, do you or whoever does Bungie Favorites just look though random peoples stuff and put it on if you like it or do people have to submit it to you or something. If you can get back to me that would be greatly appreciated. If not, then I thank you for taking your time to read this message.
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