Metallic Snake
Last Activity:
May 21, 2011 at 6:27 PM
Jun 23, 2008
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Serving the Good Lord

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Metallic Snake

Ancient, from Texas

Senior Member
Metallic Snake was last seen:
May 21, 2011
    1. thesilencebroken
      well, if thats what you put out, people will immediately expect less out of you in the future. not a good thing.
    2. thesilencebroken
      i was not fond of crusade. It is very random and boring to me. Riptide and Cathedral are much much better.
    3. thesilencebroken
      whats this "big thing" you ask of?
    4. thesilencebroken
      i meant let me finish up riptide as well so we could post both of em, cause i know once sandbox comes out, neither will matter to people.
    5. Crusadermike
      first map baby !!!!!!!
    6. thesilencebroken
      the one that had a sword on it at one end and a sniper on the other... would you be interested in letting me finish that one? Im fond of it, and it needs to hit the streets before Sandbox destroys its chances.
    7. thesilencebroken
      pfft, they already know >:]
    8. Stratigon13
      yeah i have a couple of midgets in mind too.
    9. Stratigon13
      i think that was a question and if so no. My bro and i might just buy arcade and pop in the old hard drive. That way we wouldnt have to deal with waranty crap we'd get a new waranty and a second controller. And thanx for the b-day comment
    10. SargeantSarcasm
      Lol my nonsensical moments happen when I'm bored.

      fun stuff.

      I have this spot on a former-teachers board where I write a message to his current AP classes. Its usually random, like I made a theorem on why babies are midget people lol.

      I'll upload a pic of when I took over the entire board, its totally random.
    11. SargeantSarcasm
      Peg and I usedta always do random battles, lasted forever.

      my comedic writing comes off better if its random/nonsensical or satiricial, the former of which is only beneficial in comversations, the latter tends to go over everyone's heads...soooo yeah, "funny" is a no-go.

      and I got made fun of today for saying "the one that preceded the last one we took" lol...damn plebs
    12. SargeantSarcasm
      I've got a few short film ideas, that one being the easiest.

      eh they're good friends so I can easily say "its my movie, you get credit, now stfu because you have no creative input, i did all the work"

      they know I can easily do a one-man version so they're just glad to be involved (not to sound arrogant, but it needs to be commanding otherwise those types of issues arise)

      and I found my stories btw...HERE

      I'm not very proud of my creative writing abilities tbqh though.
    13. thesilencebroken
      had something to do with what
    14. Blaze
      Get me and strenko some damn milk already. It's the least you can do for me since I haven't been around. :-D
    15. SargeantSarcasm
      sounds interesting...but that would be rather hard to do as it would take a considerable amount of direction and acting ability.

      anywho, here's the pic: Addiction: High Cost of Living
    16. SargeantSarcasm
      people do what I say. nuff said.

      the only problem is the talent pool, I know they'll work to the best of their abilities. no matter who I choose, its just a matter of if they've the ability to meet my standards.

      and I've got numerous ideas that rely mostly on storytelling and setting rather than characters so it'll be golden.

      like im making a mockumentary soon that criticizes cigarette and addiction by putting gum in its place. ill show you the picture i took for the poster if you wish.

      but im more focused on drama tbh.
    17. SargeantSarcasm
      only in social situations.

      when i had to present something for psyche i opted to do 5 minutes of Stand Up rather than the presentation since it would be reverberating what everyone else said.

      had everyone laughing like crazy.

      and im going to be a director of some sort, film or game design. if i go into the former ill be a screenwriter as well. if i do the latter ill be a screenwriter for a company to get my foot in the door so that i can become creative director down the line.
    18. SargeantSarcasm
      im leaning more towards writing scripts, writing stories didn't really work out for me. still have many ideas though.
    19. SargeantSarcasm
      i dont have them on my computer...

      and they're somewhere on the net

      i had a link to them in my sig but i took them out...then my comp crashed so i dont have the page bookmarked anymore and i dont remember the names of the stories.
    20. SargeantSarcasm
      what? when? why?
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  • About

    Serving the Good Lord
    Michael -hello, im Mike, im a 15 years old, a christian, as well as a gymnast, in ninth grade. i dont have much hair due to a childhood sickness called alapeisha (dont know if i spelled that right). its completely harmless, not at all contagious, not hereditary, and makes me looks somewhat like the Live Free or Die Hard version of Bruse Willis, but not old

    artistic design, music, gymnastics(im not gay), drawing, and forging.

