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Mar 21, 2008
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Ancient, from Corona,California

Senior Member
Phreakie was last seen:
Aug 21, 2013
    1. Playerhata27
    2. Boyle06
      um go ahead and do the goals and things now and then i will finish tonight... or if u think it will take u longer than that.... i will do the things off my version tonight... reply if u r going to start working... actually reply either way
    3. DeathstarsOG
      Do you have a sketchup file of your map? If so, send me the DL link and I'll see what I can do.
    4. DeathToll77
      I <3 ur sig
    5. Boyle06
      welll i have to stay at school today for soccer.... but i will forge it wed. if everything goes according to plan... so i would say ya schedule it for thur and fri....
    6. Boyle06
      ya im sticking around lol just since ima forge ***** n i dont have much to do i was jumping ahead of myself... and with a little effort i might be able to pull the signs up... i guess ull no on wed. is the buget gpne now?? and when u can and my connection permits get me in on the testing...
    7. Boyle06
      no school wed. 4 me so ill have the map done then and if i have time and dont have something else conjured up i might get a chance to clean bit up... but im working on a map as we speak so idk how much "overtime" i will put in kinda depends on how i feel and how easy it has/will be... if u ever have a map layout ur to lazy or just dont want to do im open also since ur 5x as creative as me
    8. n00bsk00lbus309
      okay no problem, i'll just try and find some one else
    9. n00bsk00lbus309
    10. De Wy El Ay En
      De Wy El Ay En
      your username is freakin awesome! I've always wanted to tell you that xD
    11. Iv0rY Snak3
      Iv0rY Snak3
      Not quite sure why but hey... whatever...
    12. The Hudacris
      The Hudacris
      You sir are a silly child. A silly one indeed.
    13. Boyle06
      i can get as much as i can put it in ur fileshare....
      n its okay... so u got the wall corner to work... but ill work on as much as i can... now im excited.... so ya
    14. Boyle06
      i could have fixed it.... but none the less warn me b4 we get under 100$ or something do u no what we r at... b/c if we need i can just budget glitch a couple of things... like tele camo os and cp
    15. Boyle06
      lol if u say budget then i guess budget it will be... did it break or u just didnt want to put up with it... the tele were in the corner... u no.... ne ways i wish i still had it tho... my mom isnt subbing nemore so she is here when i get here.... but sunday... i can make it if everyhting goes acorrding to plan...
    16. Boyle06
      lol i wish i wouldnt have handed the map off... i WANA FORGE... i need moar forggecaine.... newho... when r we doing spawn/weapon i want to help plan woth that... mainly weapon.. and also when u finish the forging... i will do the teleport writing... and if u think we should do like power up lights or neother asethetic i will do it... other than that im bored...
    17. Draw the Line
      Draw the Line
      I sure did! Regis Philbin sure does go to a lot of burger joints, lol. That show is a classic.
    18. Mr Pokephile
      Mr Pokephile

    19. chrstphrbrnnn
      I need one of those witty one liners from you for the FNF customs lobby, something like Phreakie - "..."

      or Insane54- No u!
    20. bobsagetismyhro
      ok well i tried doing what you said and when i copied it in paint it wouldn't let me paste it into forgehub