Seaboro Kibbles
Last Activity:
Oct 23, 2021 at 10:41 AM
May 17, 2008
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BC, Can-ah-dah
currently sticking it to the man

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Seaboro Kibbles

Ancient, from BC, Can-ah-dah

Senior Member
Seaboro Kibbles was last seen:
Oct 23, 2021
    1. Seaboro Kibbles
      Seaboro Kibbles
      there are some bugs to the game, that i am planning on fixing, exept for team stalling, that can be hilarious
    2. Tydo
      My Smeared Report

      People are getting stuck in the corner

      People are getting stuck on walls, sugest make some more ramps all around
      People are stalling they're friends
      action shots
    3. Tydo
      i also need the map itslelf to do a scene
    4. Tydo
      ok, i got that. I may or may not start filming tomorow(technical defficulties). But the sooner i get the link the not diggin that song though. If you like that one alot ill use it but ill try different ones and see what fits best
    5. whiizzle
      o i played that dodogeball map you made, it is amazing, but when it gets real laggy its hard to stick people...
    6. Insane117
    7. Tydo
      yeah. ill commentate and have friends do guest voices, so just like tell me the features why its fun ect
    8. Tydo
      in a pm, send me a script 2,and a description of the mpap just something small and any music you might want, ill be on in about 2 hours again, send me an invite
    9. Tydo
      hey, im not sure what your working on, but when you finish if you give me a brief description and a little script ill make a map video for it for you.

      oh ya, ill need a vid of a game played on it and the map itself
    10. Tydo
      i think so
    11. Tydo
    12. Tydo
      so i uploaded my sketch but youtube has this gay new music filter so it got muted so im uploading it to and ill send you a link when its done, im happy with all but one scene
    13. whiizzle
      whoa, u made hurricane brawl....!!!that is fun, i love doing it with mongeese(in thgame not in general..
    14. Tydo
      until i see one of the vids im not convinced
    15. Tydo
      Linky please!
    16. DMM White
      DMM White
      Have you seen it? There is a ghost which spawns in asymmetrical gametypes of the default Foundry!
    17. Tydo
      v v v congrats, ill leave cnr for you then, cuz i have no ideas, and uh.. whats forge lobby?
    18. redearth
      Since you have P.M.'s off, I'll have to congratulate you on your visitor messages. After careful consideration, you will have your race map, Valley of Fear, be the first race map on Forge Lobby. Congratulations!
    19. Seaboro Kibbles
    20. Tydo
      Also, I'm gonna start on CnR Evo V2 and then ill give you the link so you can work on it
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  • About

    BC, Can-ah-dah
    currently sticking it to the man
    C borrowed what?
    I'm an indie game producer. I've mastered making Halo: 3 games, and have been renown and successful to be modest. I am actively working with the new resources available in halo: reach, stay tuned.

    -last updated October 2010.

    snowboarding, soccer, music, forging, etc.