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Apr 27, 2009 at 9:50 PM
Jan 24, 2008
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Ancient, from VT

Senior Member
Morphine was last seen:
Apr 27, 2009
    1. Sotha Sil156
      Sotha Sil156
      I haven't gotten a chance to play a real test of the new version of it, so I don't know how well it plays.
    2. Sotha Sil156
      Sotha Sil156
      This is the guy and the map I was talking about for destination placement.
    3. Sotha Sil156
      Sotha Sil156
      I was thinking that lazers would be a good idea. I don't think that turrets will work very well though. I finished making the hornet version of the map if you want to see it later.
    4. Sotha Sil156
      Sotha Sil156
      I will be if you are.
    5. Sotha Sil156
      Sotha Sil156
      Yes it was.

      I updated the spawn area. I think it is pretty cool. I made the floating platforms off the cliff's edge.

      The only concern I have with the actual birdhouses are their size.

      Also, I think the destinations are set up in too small an area for the map at too uniform a height. Did you test them? I think they are fine for tomorrow's testing, but it would be nice if we spread them out a little.
    6. DunkinMyCookies
      No way you're gonna end up having the sign ups last a bit longer, considering there's only two teams signed up? I ask this cause if I decided I wanna do this, I'd think I'd need more than a day to find 3 other people for a team..
    7. Sotha Sil156
      Sotha Sil156
      This ITouch thing is so cool. I bought it on Sunday and it works perfectly. I agree with you now that two towers is the better way to go. Since the VIPs can die, we can include missile pods right? Maybe powerdrains too, but probably not though. I will have to see how you have the map set up now to see if I need to to anything other than make the spawn areas look nice before the testing begins tomorrow.

      I just thought of another rediculous name: Fly By on The Bird House.

      Where is this link to the most recent version? Is it in the messages you sent me?
    8. Sotha Sil156
      Sotha Sil156
      The birdhouses look pretty cool. I wasn't expecting there to be two teams in each though I don't know how that will effect gameplay. I should be able to make the spawn areas nice. I have a good idea for how to set them up (like a fusion between Blind v2 and Operative). I should be able to get on Saturday, Friday night too if you want to work on it a little then. Spartan made Sandrace, so he might be able to help us in destination placement if we need it too. Lol, I just thought of the best name: Birds on the House
    9. DunkinMyCookies
      how do I go about signing up for this tourny at xforgery? I'm intrigued.
    10. Sotha Sil156
      Sotha Sil156
      He never told me about the gametype. I will build the spawn areas if you want to build the map. I don't know when I will be able to be on before this weekend though.
    11. Sotha Sil156
      Sotha Sil156
      So have you done anything more with the banshee map?

      I hate how Dynamo gets so much attention and praise, when it is using such an old idea and is so poorly made, except for the roof. That part of it is smexy. lol
    12. Sotha Sil156
      Sotha Sil156
      Does having your map say Non-foundry Map Name Actually draw more attention to the map? Or is it just a stupid waste of time?

      And why did you have to get rid of Operative for the minigames tournament? Why not something else? Like Crater Raiders or something? -- Fine
    13. Sotha Sil156
      Sotha Sil156
      Instead of doing zero damage, couldn't people just be invulnerable?

      We could have them off of the cliff, but have walls / shield doors (they would separate the four platforms and the non-VIP's from shooting into the map) separating them. Or we could just have them spawn in large boxed off spawn areas near the two bases or something like that.

      If we have it so that no one does any damage, we could make it so that the VIP proximity traits allow their team to do damage when they are near, so they could hurt the other VIP's with missile pods or something when their VIP is near them. Or we could make it so they can't normally pick up weapons, and when their VIP flies by them, they can pick up the missile pod or whatever. Those might be neat ideas depending on how you set the game up.

      I think we should name it BANSHEES on AT THE RACES. JK. I have no idea. I would probably need to see how exactly the game plays first.
    14. Sotha Sil156
      Sotha Sil156
      That sucks. I reorganized the pictures and added more subtitles if you want to look again.
    15. Sotha Sil156
      Sotha Sil156
      It's stupid. Someone just gave HCv2 2* and didn't even leave a post.
    16. Sotha Sil156
      Sotha Sil156
      I didn't see either. sorry. I heard that The Wrestler was great too.

      I think that I will put structural cover in the v3.
    17. Sotha Sil156
      Sotha Sil156
      I have now posted Half-Cab v2. See it here.
    18. Sotha Sil156
      Sotha Sil156
      I went and saw Slumdog Millionaire, which was amazingly good, deserving of best picture of the year, and I was going to also see Hotel for Dogs or something like that, but I got a lack of sleep headache, so I left.
    19. Sotha Sil156
      Sotha Sil156
      Well, I'm about half-way through posting Half-Cab v2, but now, unfortunately, I have to go to the movies, and since I'm theatre-hopping, I won't be able to finish my post until around 8 PM Pacific tonight. Do you think that's too late?
    20. Sotha Sil156
      Sotha Sil156
      Oh, fine. Well never mind then. I was only trying to make a new and original game, but since everybody else has already seemed to have made it, I will just have to make something else.

      Anyway, how good was my idea compared to the others? Do you think it would be better if it involved something floating outside Black Out, with the bottom open?
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    I enjoy creative mini games and mature discussions. If you can provide both of those send me a friend's request.

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