ten eggs?!?!? ****, I put 8 on the test... lol I know all the basic maths needed for all that, but you don't need trigonometry, algebrogitry or quiganometry for cooking or roadie-ing...
Either: A) be a roadie like my dad was cause he has all these awesome stories of concerts he set-up and stuff like that or B) a Chef...
I hope I'm allowed to drop it, I dunno if my parents will let me though... it's not like I'm bad at it, I ain't great, but it's boring as helll and has very few realistic real life applications especially if I follow the career path(s) I want to...
noooooooooo come to sydney, where the real tourism is =] and ya, maths is for poopyheds, but seeing as i'm at a selective school they are all seriusfaic about it which is annoying especially when your maths teacher says on the first day back from holidays that she will give you homework after EVERY lesson...
Nights? ok... wutevar and everyone at my school basically does drama, and I'm proud of you for dropping maths... as for tourism... erm... wtf?
it's only truancy if they find out lol... besides i've basically never done it... only on like the last day of the second last week to go to my friend who had a pool so I could cool down... so yeahhh =P Annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd i wish i had your tuesday... it sounds fun... specially the driving...
dude... the people i played with know the map better than i do now... lol I got an epic screenshot of Creep jacking the ghost from Deathtoll. Its not on bungie, i took it on local. Dont worries broski, you'll be playing with all the people who know the map well... if you like everything thats been done, and we get a good test game going, that will probably be the footage for the video. Anyways, im outty for now. ill get on tomorrow and ****. Maybe ill hook you up with a preview of the map through a hidden fileshare or something.
i warn you... some members who've had prolonged exposure to the map have developed solid asskicking strategies... stay far away from Vorpal and Chrstphrbrnnn. Then theres the predictable people who've fallen in love with certain things and cant let them go... Creeping Death will be found in the ghost, or chasing after it. Pegasi Delta will no doubtedly be found at the carbine spawns. lol
sexy then. you shall see it. you shall play it. you shall love it, or you'll suddenly vanish from the earth. im just looking out for mike... he seems to be ill, and hes prescribed himself with a dependency on redeemer...