Toxic Spade
Last Activity:
Nov 1, 2010 at 9:56 PM
Aug 21, 2008
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Yelling at little kids on xbox live.

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Toxic Spade

Ancient, from Here

Senior Member
Toxic Spade was last seen:
Nov 1, 2010
    1. TDH
      earlier today
    2. ForgeGod117
      I am going to do Forgehubs adition of Halo 3 forges. I will be kicking it off with castleanche. If that is okay with you. If you would like to be in it just contact me it may take a while as I have to get the entire video plan set out as well as get the basic stuff done.
    3. aDeAdHeRo875
      well i didn't mean gametype i meant my gaming personality. i just like to have fun on maps that are clearly attackers and defenders. i just loves that kind of map
    4. aDeAdHeRo875
      yes i did, and i still felt like clive was the best, well at least for my gametype
    5. Conkerkid11
      Oh well, expires in like 4 or 5 days... just came on to see how my map was doing and *WHAM!* I had a new private message. Sadface.. are my infractions visible to the public?
    6. Conkerkid11
      Running Chron... don't know what I did to deserve this. He linked a post in his message of me saying the upsides and downsides to some guy's map along with a message saying that my signature is to big. The post didn't even come close to deserving that crap. I'm angry and Frap is right. The Forgehub staff are corrupt.
    7. Conkerkid11
      And yours is bigger! How the hell are you getting away with that!?
    8. Conkerkid11
      I just got an infraction for a signature I have had for 1 month now. I don't get it!!!
    9. Sgtkillstuff
      Preferably now
    10. Sgtkillstuff
      You wanna be in the gameplay video for covenopolis?
    11. Sgtkillstuff
      Well however you want it, I love how it changes pics everytime you look at it
    12. Sgtkillstuff
      Nice but I suggest putting them below the picture
    13. Sgtkillstuff
      Oh nevermind
    14. Sgtkillstuff
      Please comment on covenopolis
    15. RaBBiiTTT
      Wow thank you very much.
    16. Public Servent
      Public Servent
      Sorry about that yeah I'll be on in a little bit. Id like to check out the giant spider so I can review it.
    17. Conkerkid11
      Nemihara is a haxer! Lolz, jk. But fo shizzles... if he ever wants to improve on his map, then he's going to have to accept my review as teh truth. You broke the map!? LOLZ, death by mancannon.

      Seriously though, why did he put mancannons there? Any map with a path straight to the enemy's spawn is ridiculous!
    18. Public Servent
      Public Servent
      Yeha its pretty good. Any idea on how Nemihara voted on his pole 4 times?
    19. Conkerkid11
      Something wrong with yo links dawg! They brought me to the same place! Thought you were mad at me for the post... now I see your agreeing with me. Thanks dude! I was sad... look at the shoutbox, me and Ghost spam it to death!
    20. Conkerkid11
      All I said was that it needed work, although I do look back and think I was a little to harsh. It was just a little criticism... on the plus side. He could use this to make it better. Everybody thinks it's feature worthy except for me, because I just didn't look at the pictures. Bumpy just doesn't appeal to me. People tell me that my reviews on maps are great! So why when I say that a map could use some work does everybody jumps on my back for it? Never once did I say that I hated this map so everybody needs to just get off my back about it.
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  • About

    Yelling at little kids on xbox live.
    Toxic Spade
    I've made a ton of maps on Halo 3. I am a bit of a perfectionist when it come to forging so I take forever to forge. I absolutely HATE map variants that are made on foundry, mainly because it's over used. If you need help with forging just send me a message! My GT is the same as my username!



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