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Sep 24, 2016 at 2:39 PM
Aug 11, 2008
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Gone For Sec, from In a coca-cola machine

Senior Member
DeathToll77 was last seen:
Sep 24, 2016
    1. idiotninja
    2. thesilencebroken
      consider yourself lucky.
    3. thesilencebroken
      i dont.. shes a stereotypical hyped up teen girl looking for attention. maybe they dont have them whereever you are from, but shes only mildly crazier than the breed found around me.
    4. thesilencebroken
      Id rather be Boxxy'd anyday. Rick Rolling is lame and im too old to find him funny.
    5. thesilencebroken
      i use internet explorer, so when the page was loading up it said what it was.

      And yes, if someone claims to have built it, ive been watching you build it since it was just a drawing.
    6. chrstphrbrnnn
    7. chrstphrbrnnn
      You've got bad timing lol, I've taken some time off work, so I won't be there for a bit unless I stop in, which I willl soon.. lol
    8. thesilencebroken
      i might have to stab you.
    9. chromebandit
      sure you name it what do you need help with?
    10. De Wy El Ay En
      De Wy El Ay En
      aight, probably over the weekend, just send me stuff you want done, and maybe i can help :]
    11. De Wy El Ay En
      De Wy El Ay En
      BTW** durr, my dumb typos :P
    12. De Wy El Ay En
      De Wy El Ay En
      good, how about you? and VTW i gotta dazzle capture card, so msg me if you need a video.
    13. De Wy El Ay En
      De Wy El Ay En
      remember me? (It's Borat, Got my username & GT Changed..)
    14. Catmon
      You're online but didn't respond to my MSN message?
    15. idiotninja
      Did you fix your live?
    16. Public Servent
      Public Servent
      Well there was one request for it by l Black Out l so I gave him a copy and told him if he makes something fun we'll go ahead and post type O with it giving him credit. So if you do decide you want to do something with it, you might want to make sure he isnt already doing it or help him its totally up to you. Thanks again BRO for all of you'r help! Catch up with you later. Hope your new mini game is coming along the idea is sooo Cool.
    17. Public Servent
      Public Servent
      Its fine! I told you these Bastards crushed my will to build anything ever again. I told Corruption to go ahead and use it. He without a doubt took the easy way out, but who doesn't these days. It really doesn't pay to take any more pride in your work then he did. These M%$#*! F^&*ERS dont deserve any thing better ! You have to give him some credit though because it is nothing like what I was working on, he only used acouple of my ideas otherwise its completely origional so good for him. I'm glad to have inspired him. Wait till you see what I have Chaos doing you'll jizz a brick gaurenteed. Any ways yeah thats what I did do with Transfusion AB type, 0- has a early version of your work already. I kind of wanted something completely new for it though. I have personally even given up on it so what ever !The demand isnt there to waist anymore of our time on it IMO. Thats why I havent bothered you about it I don't want to beat a dead horse!
    18. Felipe dos
      Felipe dos
      I'm not too awesome for you =)
    19. idiotninja
    20. idiotninja
      \Why? You didn't post the map.
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    In a coca-cola machine
    Student, Chuck Norris Admirer

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