Star iz Legiit
Last Activity:
May 15, 2009 at 6:06 PM
Jan 5, 2009
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Star iz Legiit

Ancient, from kentucky

Senior Member
Star iz Legiit was last seen:
May 15, 2009
    1. Nightfire
      Well, you go sign up for tests posting your gamertag and get on halo 3 that time and date. Also, you may get random invites to play halo 3, they may also need help testing maps.
    2. DeathToll77
      ok this is what you do, you go into the testing section and post there saying " I will be here to test" Then you get online at that time and the tester will invite you.
    3. Transactionzero
      AIM= AOL Instant Messenger
    4. SargeantSarcasm

      its waaay better than any other IM'er I've ever used.
    5. Star iz Legiit
      Star iz Legiit
      Idk what it sand for but it is somthing like msn or yahoo messenger where you can talk on it
    6. Linubidix
      What's AIM?

      I'm pretty sure I have it.
    7. SargeantSarcasm
      i do, but i dont use it much since theres a little aim "security" pop up that always appears every 2 minutes when i use it.

      do you have skype?
    8. Linubidix
      It's going well, plenty of change.
    9. SargeantSarcasm
      talking to people.


      and thats a good habit, you'll make plenty of friends that way (not criticism)
    10. Star iz Legiit
      Star iz Legiit
      Hey everybody thats looks at my page.Tell me your screen name on AIM and i will add you
    11. Felipe dos
      Felipe dos
      Hey, I'm sorry but I've got too much stuff going on. The only reason I was able to finish Eight Emerald Legs was because of Christmas Break. I don't have much time to forge a map at the moment.

      If it weren't for all of the school work, I'd definitely say yes though.
    12. Shad0w Viper
      Shad0w Viper
      All I ask is you follow the rules.
    13. Felipe dos
    14. G043R
      ... I'm kinda something I'll be back in a bit.
    15. G043R
      Alright the first thing was tex saw one of the maps Similar to it. I mean very close
      Here it is LINK He is saying you copied that map. Is this someone you showed it to? And is there a way to prove that?
    16. G043R
      You can promise me your not lieing to me right? I have to take a leap at this... risking alot... I need to know your not lieing to me. I would rather you tell me the truth now... then make me regret it.. I trusting you alot right now.
    17. Felipe dos
      Felipe dos
      Well, I don't have much say in the infractions, but I'd definitely try to get this straightened out with Mastar. His name in my previous post is a link to his page.
    18. Star iz Legiit
      Star iz Legiit
      hey i have proof,my other accounts name is foxrider22,its on my friends list on xbox and it has that map saved from like 9 months ago,which is when i made it so nobody can say ohh look you just saved the map a couple days ago
    19. G043R
      I am looking into it I'll be back shorty...
    20. Felipe dos
      Felipe dos
      Huh. Well, I'm not sure how they figured you stole the map. I had never seen it before. Mastar is the one who left the infraction, I'd try asking what he based his accusation upon. I tried asking him, but he didn't reply.

      I'd encourage you not to give the site up just yet. Everybody has trouble as a new member.
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  • About

    none,only in high school
    Star iz Legiit
    Hey,I love to play play all sports and do just about anything that concerns the outdoors,I also love to play Halo 3,so if you want to play with me or against me,i'm here,so just message me

    basketball,baseball,football,fishing,hunting,playing halo,riding motocross

