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Silly Goose, from Texas USA

Senior Member
Fritzster was last seen:
Feb 2, 2023
    1. Zanitor
      Thanks for adding me on XBL, I'll invite you to party next time I am playing with Ivory Snake
    2. Iv0rY Snak3
      Iv0rY Snak3
      Yeah, I get what you mean. Whenever I try to make something in the crypt I realise how screwed up the walls are and figure it's not worth it. whenever I make it in the skybox it becomes instantly impossible to put a floor under the whole thing, and whenever I forge on the mid-level I can never think of anything to fill the space so that it works well... and the way all the objects look basically the same doesn't help either...
    3. Iv0rY Snak3
      Iv0rY Snak3
      Not much really, I'm still trying to think of something good to do on sandbox, the best (original) thing I've come up with so far is a Pit/Narrows hybrid that probably wouldn't be too amazing if I made it. Everything else I've thought of has basically been a rip off of one of NeXn's designs... I dunno, sandbox just doesn't spark that creativity inside me like Foundry seemed to...
    4. Shedo
      Hey i was wanting to know if it would be fine with you if i used the tunnel block-off wall on MLG Amplified with on of my upcoming maps i will be making. Will that be fine with you?
    5. SargeantSarcasm
      you absolutely owned me in team mythic a couple days ago. lol.
    6. JASONYO
      hey, i was makin a prototype of a map that im making using ur components on sketchup, but the foundry map part isn't as up to date as urs is on ur regicide sketchup. is there any way u would want to post that on sketchup, or update it in ur component?
    7. Star iz Legiit
      Star iz Legiit
      Hey I have asked a lot of people this,but I would judt like to hear your point of view.
      How do you like this idea?

      Forgehub Machinima
    8. RightSideTheory

      I heard you liek MLG.
    9. Insane54
      Hey, I think me and Toppum are nearing finishing it. It turns out very arena style (I enjoy Ons CTF settings and MLG Hill), but kind of...'random' i guess, for an MLG map. So, I don't know how higher level players will like it, but I have fun at least. Haven't gotten a chance to play with more than one guy with a rank over 40 in MLG. Here's what it looks like, a couple differences though...replaced the dumpster/sign with a geomerged corner wall at dumpster (standing up) height, added orange/white call outs, switched yellow and purple. At the BR at the then top yellow, switched plasmas for frags. Added a box at the area between the hill and the then-purple (rockets). And you can run under the hill. Unfortunately, you were right about the different sides, that sucks. Replaced camo with CP, too.
    10. GladiateSmiths
      I see that you joined, that's good. If you haven't already, I recommend reading the whole OP in the "Discuss this group" thread.
    11. GladiateSmiths
      I sent you a somewhat lengthy PM yesterday that I think you might want to look at.
    12. TripleO8
    13. RaBBiiTTT
      I'm really excited for your Avalanche map that was in your sig last time. Any previews?
    14. Number 117
      Number 117
      why are you respected?
    15. M.Jelleh
      when did respected happen? well u deserves it
    16. Insane54
      Well, right now the 'team' is me and Sir Toppum Hat, who's been doing a really good job of pretty much building whatever I want him to (all geometry as of right now). Other than geomerging into the back overhang down, for some reason it just won't go straight.

      Except we have no idea what we're doing in MLG, lol.
    17. Insane54
      Well, the respecting respe--bah, screw it, lol.
    18. Zanitor
      Congratz on being Respected!
    19. Insane54
      yo dawg, i herd u liek respected so i respected ur respected so u can respected in ur respected.

      Just visitor message if you'd like the custom title changed, it has to do with why you have Respected. For now I've set it at 'MLG Amplified'.

    20. Iv0rY Snak3
      Iv0rY Snak3
      Yeah, it was a damn strange experience... it was funnier when I was playing Cenotaph with another friend and he said it wasn't MLG because it wasn't symmetrical...