Metallic Snake
Last Activity:
May 21, 2011 at 6:27 PM
Jun 23, 2008
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Serving the Good Lord

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Metallic Snake

Ancient, from Texas

Senior Member
Metallic Snake was last seen:
May 21, 2011
    1. SargeantSarcasm
      Blue Eyes White Dragon!?!? HAHAHAHAHAHA

      I've got a one-of-a-kind blue-eyes toon dragon...literally one-of-a-kind...serial numbers make it worth 1k at least.

      anywho, say eeet.
    2. SargeantSarcasm
      ::cries due to the insanity presented in the grammatically-inept post that preceded this very one::

      I have a laser system, similar to star wars that circles the globe, within a second of your pastryroid entering the atmosphere, it will be demolished into 10000000000 tons of tasty goodness...

      plus you know not where I reside sir snake...yet I know your exact position, prepare for death or REVEAL YOUR SOURCE.
    3. SargeantSarcasm
      ::megalomaniacal laughter::

      You think you've won don't you?

      ::laughs yet again::

      The weenie dogs...they're in the oven by now, roasting away for the feast...

      You're as good as meat now boy, best tell me the secret I wish to hear and be spared the terrible torment that awaits you.

      Elst I retract my offer...
    4. SargeantSarcasm
      once again, your defenses have been infiltrated by my forces.

      they are really leprechauns paid for with the prevalence of my homemade-liquour.

      might want to start reconsidering your position and tell me your source.
    5. SargeantSarcasm
      what a coincidence, your army of vampire pigs just happens to be my army of flying pandapigs in disguise...

      hadn't you wondered why they suddenly appeared on your estate?

      tell me now or face their wrath!
    6. SargeantSarcasm
      yes I have. and who is this "reliable source" of yours?
    7. Shad0w Viper
      Shad0w Viper
      lol, his being normal has nothing to do with me. As far as I know he just wanted to get out of the spotlight of his colored name.
    8. Nobody Worthy
      Nobody Worthy
      xD! Dun wurry guy, itz gun b k. :P
    9. Nobody Worthy
      Nobody Worthy

      Nah, still the same ol' me. just a change of colors. That's all. =|
    10. thesilencebroken
      dont concern yourself with it. lol there was some confusion with gametypes and BR starts and stuff. nothing important.
    11. thesilencebroken
      say what? i dont see anything goin on lol
    12. thesilencebroken
      i had my mind madeup. i just have certain avatars to match certain colors.
    13. TDH
      eh, s'all been answered now in the thread.
    14. rusty eagle
      rusty eagle
      Samer here, I could probably help out for an hour or so over the course of the weekend.
    15. Felipe dos
      Felipe dos
      Orly? Well if what you say is true, then by logic you cannot see black, which is a cross between all colors. Therefore, if you can read this, you are a theif and a liar.

      Why a thief, I'm really not sure. But I was imagining that all in Sean Connery's voice, and that's something he would have said.
    16. Felipe dos
      Felipe dos
      Color Blind, Eh?
    17. Black Theorem
    18. Creeping Death
      Creeping Death
      Damn, that's cruel....Eff the Pillsbury dough boy!
    19. Creeping Death
      Creeping Death
      Wait, what did he do???
    20. Creeping Death
      Creeping Death
      Whoa, relax now. That combined with this cake is just too much win for one day.
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  • About

    Serving the Good Lord
    Michael -hello, im Mike, im a 15 years old, a christian, as well as a gymnast, in ninth grade. i dont have much hair due to a childhood sickness called alapeisha (dont know if i spelled that right). its completely harmless, not at all contagious, not hereditary, and makes me looks somewhat like the Live Free or Die Hard version of Bruse Willis, but not old

    artistic design, music, gymnastics(im not gay), drawing, and forging.

