Felipe dos
Last Activity:
Nov 9, 2020 at 5:51 PM
Jul 15, 2008
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Jul 7, 1992 (Age: 32)
Greeley, Colorado
other stuff

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Felipe dos

Ancient, from Greeley, Colorado

Senior Member
Felipe dos was last seen:
Nov 9, 2020
    1. Debo37
      We got 27 AND 28 for homework the day you were gone.
    2. Debo37
      GO TO BED. Nao.

      You must be well rested so that you may praise me tomorrow on the anniversary of my birth.
    3. Shad0w Viper
      Shad0w Viper
      He had 5 prior infraction points then he insulted another member, spammed and necro posted which put him to 8 points and a 3 day ban.
    4. G043R
      Read his blog... he openly said he did... it bothered me alot..because I tried defending him..and he lied to me.
    5. G043R
      Not fully, First he spammed the featured map section, then posted a stolen map ...then as far as i searched continued to spam....
    6. Chipsinabox
      Tell me about it.
    7. Star iz Legiit
      Star iz Legiit
      they said someone else made when i know for a fact that i did,go look on my friends list and find foxrider22,that is my other account and look for that map,it was saved like 8 months ago because that is when i made it.
    8. Star iz Legiit
      Star iz Legiit
      i made a map and posted,just trying to learn how to post and got banned for map theft when I know i made it like a year ago,and i just posted it so i could learn how
    9. Star iz Legiit
      Star iz Legiit
      dude i really liked forgehub at first but now im starting to hate it becuz most the people on here dont help me at all,ur about the only one
    10. Psycho
      Oh ok, well I didn't copy it lol. Good ideas :)
    11. Debo37
      Staff group is made as well.
    12. Psycho
      Haha, yeah I guess so! Was the wall the checkerboard wall or the curved tunnel wall?
    13. Star iz Legiit
      Star iz Legiit
      Hey man since I have you on xbox now,we should forge together sometime,I just posted a map called tournament v1,but i made it along time ago before anybody was even good at forging,I just posted it to learn how to post maps so idk how good it is but we should forge together sometime,just come to my game
    14. Psycho
      What?! No, I started Maverick a few weeks before joining Forgehub. Can I see a picture of that map? The only maps I've seen by you are The Ire of Fire and Eight Emerald Legs.
    15. Star iz Legiit
      Star iz Legiit
      Yea man that sounds good,yea my gt is star of knights
    16. Star iz Legiit
      Star iz Legiit
      Yea man,I would love to join,but how do I join
    17. Debo37
      You are now the only other GM in existence. Use your power wisely.

      Also, read the last post I made in the "Discuss this group" thread; it is in regards to separation of power and the balance thereof and why my security roles shouldn't be changed around or messed with (for the most part) :O.
    18. Something.
      loolololol. Also is the TCE thing you and debo are talking about to do with that group he's mentioned to me?
    19. Something.
      Tell me how it goes. I've got to get mine taken out early March =C.
    20. Insane54
      Just thought I'd pop in and mention that thanks for talking to Star of Knights, the more people we have that are giving personal attention to new members, the more possibilities we'll have later on in the lifecycle of ForgeHub. So I thank you, and hope to see more such things from you and others in the future :)

      And I'm also hoping to see another feature in the future ;)
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  • About

    Jul 7, 1992 (Age: 32)
    Greeley, Colorado
    other stuff
    Felipe dos
    Hello there!
