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Mar 1, 2015 at 8:00 PM
Jan 20, 2008
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Sep 1, 1985 (Age: 39)
Home Page:
San Diego, CA

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RIP, from San Diego, CA

Senior Member
LIGHTSOUT225 was last seen:
Mar 1, 2015
    1. Creeping Death
      Creeping Death
      Exactly. I have written him a message specifically about that and he has yet to respond. He clearly has a vendetta against FH. And as you have seen, he isn't the most helpful or understanding person.
    2. Creeping Death
      Creeping Death
      I got Verbatim kicked from ATLAS. I am so sorry. I am working on getting Shishka to allow the map back in with ties to just you, I will take my name off of it.
    3. Vicious Vice
      Vicious Vice
      did u do anywork on the map or can i keep goin on the version i got?
    4. Vicious Vice
      Vicious Vice
      can i show u what ive done
    5. Vicious Vice
      Vicious Vice
      go online in a sec?
    6. Vicious Vice
      Vicious Vice
      You got to see it... its so SICK... its the ****in plague..
    7. thesilencebroken
      yeah that was the most recent setup. It has worked the best so far, but it was an all out tug of war to get the flag out of either base. I found this enjoyable, but i know most people dont like deadlocks in flag. We had the snipers spawning in the bunkers for that game though, so there was always someone sniping on defense. Since then, we've moved the Sniper to the original shotgun spawn, and placed a shotgun in each base. This will make the players move out for the sniper, and leave a person using a shotgun to either defend or try and blast through to the other side. The crisscrossing had people confused at first, so i guess i couldve explained it better first. lol

      all will be fixed within good time.

      cept oddball. either you'll like it or you'll hate it. Ive had people who love it and people who hate it. The oddball is grabbed and it becomes a defensive struggle inside the offices. Cant really do anything about that, but hey, its just oddball.
    8. Linubidix
      Have you tested Redeemer with silence?
      If so; critisism please.
    9. the whyher
      the whyher
      Nooo way!!! really? lul... MAN!!. wow, I was really trying to be optimistic, :( well, I should get my box back tomorrow, if not then, thursday for sure, going to bed, Ill catch you later. By the way.., Whats your thoughts on LT, I say keep him for sure and just run the 2back set like most teams do these days, He still has it. I DONT like all this talk! What do you think?
    10. the whyher
      the whyher
      get back to me in the shout box if its easier?
    11. the whyher
      the whyher
      have you play the MM maps? How did they go?! Is the Bungie one any good?
    12. Vicious Vice
      Vicious Vice
      k... im on now
    13. thesilencebroken
      so glad you said thursday, cause tomorrow im busy as **** for once. :D

      its been rough, but ive worked out alot of the kinks. It just plays alot faster than i thought it would for its size. It turned out to play better for Team Slayer and KotH than Flag or anything. lol
    14. Vicious Vice
      Vicious Vice
      i still got to get it from you remeber
    15. thesilencebroken
      mr lightsout hasnt gotten a game in yet :(
    16. SargeantSarcasm
      i dont play halo anymore, i forge but thats it.

      ive not even played EEL...I just went off what I know about it lol.

      I'm fine with doing write-ups though. I'm more of a build-off-of-this-idea typa person though, which is why I do more rewrites than anything (TD included).

      and thanks lol.
    17. SargeantSarcasm
      i was sposedta be journo like a month ago but Shock forgot to change it and I didn't really bother to ask.

      Vice messaged me and said he wanted me to be one. I can easily just change over since Shock had already okay'd it, but vice suggested I "earn it" like I'm only doing one writeup
    18. Star iz Legiit
      Star iz Legiit
      ohh ok thats is all i wanted to know is if it would go away,but thanks for the info hope to talk to you again one day
    19. Star iz Legiit
      Star iz Legiit
      Hey,my name got turned pink,is it possible to take that off,or will it be on there 4fever
    20. Vicious Vice
      Vicious Vice
      Inside the Playbook - The New York Times
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  • About

    Sep 1, 1985 (Age: 39)
    Home Page:
    San Diego, CA
    Have, and will continue to kick cancer's ass.

    My interests include working hard, girls, beer, and halo