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May 31, 1992 (Age: 32)
South Australia

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Ancient, from South Australia

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Linubidix was last seen:
Sep 12, 2019
    1. thesilencebroken

      the spawning works at the moment, no real bad spawns, but the variety is kind of dull. Like Creep said though, its better to be boring and safe that random and dangered. Additionally, a wall was added inbetween your open boxes to add more of a defensive ability to the bases. The ghost isnt used by everyone, but the ones who do [creep/deathtoll] obsess over it.

      The gametypes the map plays that id recommend at this moment are:
      Team Slayer, Shotty Snipers, KotH, Land Grab

      The other games need more tweaking or just plain wont work. Oddball is hated by some, others found that style enjoyable. Theres really no way to change how that will be played. Capture the Flag just needs the right setup... although im assuming One Flag may work the best. Ive been testing day in and day out with a bunch of great players, so we'll get it all mapped out by when you return. :)
    2. thesilencebroken
      Well, there have been several changes from what we initially designed, but its nothing that makes it feel totally different. Ill list them here, as the other things about Oddball and CTF have already been said.

      The window panels on the shack are gone, and the sniper was made two snipers and moved to the shotgun spawns on the side. In place of the sniper, the shack now has dual spikers. The shotguns were moved into the bases, resting against one of your merged open boxes.

      The back hall was sectioned off in the middle, the power drain was made two, one in each base. The bubble shield was made two, and moved where the plasma grenades are on the back corner bases. Rockets were not removed, they were just put at a 180 respawn time, and a single clip.
    3. Creeping Death
      Creeping Death
      Redeemer is coming out awesome. It plays well in most gametypes. Flag and oddball are a slight issue right now, but they can be fixed, I am sure of it. Oddall turns into hiding in the office and spam grenading the office, and finding the perfect location for the flags in multi flag has been a hot topic so far. I think this map is going to play better with one sided games, but if that is to happen there may have to be a weapon set tweak to support that over multi team games. Other than that the design is solid and the Ghost plays really well here. You can use it effectively if you are good with it, but you can also lose it quick if you screw up.

      Spawning is hit or miss. It works but it lacks variety at the moment. Certain games have me spawning in the same spot a lot, which isn't a bad thing actually since I would rather spawn in the same safe spot than near the other team. But this could be fixed by laying out a few more spawn points and expanding the respawn area a little bit.
    4. DeathToll77
      Redeemer: I think it's great other than one difficult issue. In my opinion the players spawn in the back room too much, and if you stand on the center bridge with a needler you can just pick people off one by one. There is also one minor thing that I would not know how to fix unless I knew the spawn areas myself, but I have been told not to save/publicize redeemer. Anyway, if I stand in the far back on top of all the geomerged boxes in the middle. The other team can spawn in the corners of foundry and I would be flanked from both ends. Other than that, the weapons are good, but maybe another carbine or two(that might push it due to the openess of the map) The geometry is phenomenoal, I must compliment you and TSB on that. The geometry is very well put together. If I look across the map with a sniper scope, I can see the perfect amount of sight, not so many buildings that you can't see, and not a lack of buildings to easily pick people off.
    5. squidhands
      I have, and overall I'm liking it. Slayer plays much better now with the nixing of the Rockets, but I don't think Oddball is a playable gametype. It ends up just being a fight in the offices, and the rest of the map is unused.
      Land Grab plays really well, and if I was any good at Shotty Snipers I would probably like it, lol. The map is very well suited for the gametype, though. TSB said the CTF games have been pretty uninspiring, but I'd like to play some KOTH so I can get a feel for it.
      I think the layout of the map is very well done, and the latest weapon tweaks were really beneficial. Just whatever you do, don't let Vorpal Saint get a Sniper Rifle if he's not on your team. God, the horror...
    6. J A Y
      J A Y
      Can of berra. Trust me never come here, there is nothing to do. Besides movies and shopping, and yet again those aren't that great here. My xbox just got 1 red ring, I think that has something to do with hardware failure?

      What worlds have you been to so far? and aint the superman ride the best? plus giant drop. I'd run to gold coast just to go on those rides.
    7. TexturedSun
      That sounded sooooooooo wrong...
    8. E93
      Hey, your Photobucket broke, and people can't see your entry...
      I have to create the thread today, because I was already supposed to yesterday.
      If you still want your entry in it, quickly PM it to me, or just fix your photobucket.
      I'll leave the broken thing there. I don't know if it will do it any good.
      Maybe, once you delete some stuff, that one will start working again.
    9. thesilencebroken
      testing is coming along well, but the map has needed mild changes in a few areas. im not psyched about it entirely, but its been improving the play.

      5v5 is aweful. 3v3 is the sweet spot, but 4v4 works well too.
    10. Psycho
      Your sig is lacking graphics. :)
    11. Reynbow
      Lol right, have fun with that too
    12. Reynbow
      lololol well have fun with that xD
    13. Reynbow
      Well that's no good. Gold Coast aye? Not too far away from me =P
    14. Reynbow
    15. thesilencebroken
      kay. ill have the post done and ready to go for when we are ready to post it.

      ill just need the paragraph, and your personal note.

      i want to test it out a bunch monday when you're back to make sure we both agree its the final version to post.
    16. thesilencebroken
      i will get a few in. i will save videos for you.

      write me up that paragraph sometime and leave it as a PM.
    17. thesilencebroken
      is it still on your fileshare?
    18. thesilencebroken
      i never got that done anyways... girlfriend dragged me outta the house today.

      you had better help me test when you get back. ill post it, i swear to god. :D
    19. thesilencebroken
      come backkkkkkkkkkk
    20. halo kid
      halo kid
      see you in a week. ;)
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    May 31, 1992 (Age: 32)
    South Australia
