I'm going to usurp you, guided by the ghost of my previously-lost-but-now-present father...YOU SHALL DIE AT MY SWORD
It feels dirty...actua...wait a tootin minute...you're not my father..he has a Jolly Roger shaped birthmark under his left toenail... IMPOSTER!!!
yes I did...he didn't enjoy it very much and how do you know about our muffin...only family knows about the muffin...are..you...poppa?
Nah they call me the savior of the west coast...the wicked witch was my evil twin brother MajorMalfunction... do you piss fire on those mammals? I usually just kick the damned squirrels...and what would happen if a forest was cut down by a single chain-saw...and it had your name written all over it in tree language...WHAT THEN?
good thing I'm indoors huh? thanks for the warning, I won't go outside for years now...thats right...I'll survive the walking-tree apocalypse...can't say the same for you though MUAHAHAHAHAH
damn skippeh sunshahn...don't make me sick their ruler on you...Opie...the retarded Grizzda Panly...he'll murder you so much you'll die
damn you briton!...I thought I was going to go to bed without having to do another reported post after I cleared it out...but nooooo...thats not good enough for pegasi... lol
lol They were all lucky shots but thanks. Yeah I'm with Roche, we're thinking of calling us 'The Laggarz'. You?
I'm going to + rep you whenever I am able to from now on. Seriously, keep up with the ****ing speeches dude, I love seeing those goldmines that are your posts in a litter of horrible comments.
bravo good sir your post, ihave noticed are very well thought out and have a sent of intellegence so strong it intoxicates even a person of my stature and i give you much thanks for whenever i read one of your post i am delighted to see that there is someone other than myself and sarge who can speak in an elegant matter. Bully for you sir.
You mean the Neo Cortex one? I thought i since i have a Cortex picture on my xbox i would have one here for a bit of Continuity. I guess im done setting up. Should i save my first post for a map upload. Tempting to do so