I think I'll do Director. Thanks! And you don't need to do a guide if you don't want to. All I need you to do in the near future is recruit Predator to TCE. Don't link him to the group at all yet, simply make some small talk with him every now and then so that he knows who you are, and build up his trust in you. When TCE is ready he'll know you well enough to be an almost guaranteed joiner. I'm also looking for a trustworthy second GM for TCE. If you have the time to do so I'd like you to be it, but if you don't have the time to be on Bungie.net as often as possible I recommend you decline. If you see anyone that you would think fit, please tell me so that I may scout him/her out. I want someone that will share the vision of what TCE should be, but is also very active and personable (because I tend to be an ass at times). I'm basically the Nitrous of TCE, and I need a Shock-style person to partner with.
Oh damn dude. You're getting your wisdom teeth removed? Ouch. And 4chan is a barren wasteland so ridiculously full of in-jokes that you have to lurk it for MONTHS to even begin to understand what's going on. Plus there's too much pr0n on /b/ for all it's worth IMO.
Same here. The fact of the matter is that this is the only place with sufficient enough activity for lulz to occur. Without my daily dose of lulz I would likely shrivel up and die/become a person like Ax.
technically im just switching over we're still trying to get another journo. i was sposedta get changed over a month ago but Shock forgot to do it.
lol thanks. its for a thread in the hub pub to be the next journo, technically i dont need to do the 2 writeups (EEL being one of them) but someone suggested i slightly earn my way...and since i knew what the map was from a pic long ago, figured it was destiny.
That would be an excellent Lit poem. As for the killing, YOU'LL NEVER CATCH ME ALIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIVE!
Dude. That ****ing sucks!!! Frem's a bastard. If she doesn't have the balls to flat-out tell you that she didn't want you in the play, and instead tries to sugar-coat it with bullshit like that name game, I don't know what to tell you other than that I would have blown up in her face and smacked a *****. Plus, the fact that she think's ERIC MOMMAFUCKING GREGG is better than you is RIDICULOUS!!! Absurd!!! You're waaaaaaaaaaaaay more talented in your left big toe than that ****** is in his entire body.
THRICE?! JESUS H. ****!!! HOW THE **** ARE YOU STILL ALIVE?!?!?! Are the Cats songs really that bad? Which Cat are you?
Dude. ****. This ****ing song always haunts me... and reminds me of state Sophomore year and getting the bird from like fifty theaterfags for making a "*****" gesture while this song was playing. YouTube - Rent