Krazy Kumquat
Last Activity:
Feb 2, 2011 at 11:13 PM
Aug 3, 2008
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February 8
Nunnyuz, Florida

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Krazy Kumquat

Ancient, from Nunnyuz, Florida

Senior Member
Krazy Kumquat was last seen:
Feb 2, 2011
    1. thesilencebroken
      wasnt bad, just not a version i wouldve wanted the general public to see.
    2. thesilencebroken
      You werent on, so you missed Alpha testing. Im so very happy i didnt let you run off with this version. Many changes to be made for Beta testing.
    3. Pigglez
      OO nvrmnd.... we just decided all people having to do with kumquats aren't allowed in the beta... harsh luck dude...

      XP lol jk
    4. Pigglez
      were working on getting a host to host the game. It should be up in the next 30-60 minutes or so...
    5. Pigglez
      idk... wherever Fbu posts it lol...
    6. Mandarotica
      I dunno. My doc thinks its fibromyalgia, but I'm seeing a specialist tomorrow. I hurt all the time though and it's been for almost 10 years...hopefully it's not lupus bc theyre a lot alike, but lupus can kill ya :(
    7. Mandarotica
      It was about 2 out, with wind chills of -20ish. Today was slightly better at 23. Oh, and poor you- all that cold weather down there. My dad lives in Fl too and he was talking about it on the phone earlier...bastards lol
    8. Mandarotica
      Bc it's cold out...I live in NY
    9. thesilencebroken
      im flattered that you include it, but Linu and I made an agreement that no one would see it until testing, and testers would be the only to see it til its release.

      The release date is a week from today, or the day after. After that, anyone is free to play it whenever. You ARE however welcome to test it with me, i just have a minor thing to do left, then spawns. Then we're good to go.
    10. Running Chron
      Running Chron
      Your signature is now 210px tall which will slide, before it was much larger. Don't imply that I don't know the forum rules when I am a moderator for a reason. The 200 px tall limit includes all text and pictures.
    11. X5
      Well, we haven't been able to work on it much, and I was going to be shooting it these next 2 days, however, it turns out I am going to Vegas to get a real movie camera.

      We might just hold off for when the BoF winners are announced. If we win, we'll consider it our victory speech ;)
    12. thesilencebroken
      it will start being tested today, and continue all week. I did a quick 2v2 last night with some guys, but the map wasnt 100%.
    13. thesilencebroken
      FFA on Amnesty would be okay, but i set it up for Team games more than anything.
    14. halo kid
      halo kid
      Bejeweled <-------thats my map. remind you of anything?
    15. Fbu
      30 wide 60 tall
    16. thesilencebroken
      it can, its just messy :)
    17. thesilencebroken
      haha that was meant for 3v3 max :P
    18. thesilencebroken
      also, i may not be able to get into your party, i have band practice on fridays.
    19. thesilencebroken
      i was trying to have it done in time for xmas, but Linu got hit with a brick wall of stuff to do before that... then after xmas, he has new **** that was way more interesting that forge. I cannot say i blame him. lol

      maybe next round.
    20. thesilencebroken
      its still pillars and a ghost ;)

      i just got the map back from Linu 2 hours ago since hes heading back to school, but im gonna work my balls off on it tomorrow and the day after probably. The beta will be ready to test by Next week probably.
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    February 8
    Nunnyuz, Florida
    Krazy Kumquat

