I just realized that I talk to you on FH but Ive never seen you on XBL.you mind I send you a FR.if youre online right now send a FR to halo kid 024.
Nice.. the game I'm working on is going good for now... frustrating between work and everything... and now forgehub...
You bastard stealing my source :P http://www.forgehub.com/forum/off-topic/752-orly-om-nom-im-ur-lolcat-etc-pic-thread-367.html#post662583
Yo Mike how do you get your signature where it changes every time you refresh the page? And How did you do the Rock Band Pictures?
That's how I view it. You were caught later on when you didn't know you were doing it. The latest offense was warned, so there's no reason to punish you for an older offense when you didn't know and have already been punished. Am I making sense?
Well, I already infracted you for it and it was a recent one. You've already learnt your lesson, that's how I view it. No need to infract for the same thing when it happened prior, imo.
Well, if someone were quick enough to edit them out in the next minute or two, I'd have nothing to infract. ;)
I'm not really sure. I think it's repeated offense. It was put in like 2 days ago. I think you're the first person to receive it. ;)
S'alright. The class I infraction gives a 3 day ban. Class II gives a 2 month ban. The warning was more than enough. They were just put in for images that violate copyrighting issues and illegal content, things like that.
oh okay. I dare you to walk out on the street and punch the first person you see in the back of the head.