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Sep 20, 2015 at 8:58 PM
Mar 25, 2008
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Ancient, from Oregon

Senior Member
Conkerkid11 was last seen:
Sep 20, 2015
    1. DeathToll77
      lol I can't help you there
    2. Toxic Spade
      Toxic Spade
      lol, who did you get the infraction from?
    3. IcedFrappuccino
      Spread the word! MODS R SUPAR CORRUPT!
    4. Kion FH
      Kion FH
      I'm glad you cant look at the downloads. I played Corruptions map and liked it alot!
    5. Mero90
      glad you liked it
    6. Running Chron
    7. Toxic Spade
      Toxic Spade
      LOL look what I wrote at the last post about his poll!
    8. Toxic Spade
      Toxic Spade
      True, the map's game play is terrible. People are just hyping over that map because they think it looks good. The problem is there are too many problems with it's gameplay. Look at these posts.

      Post One
      Post Two
    9. Toxic Spade
      Toxic Spade
      Yo, what's up with that map Corruption made? I saw you said something like you are one of the few that played it?
    10. C0RRUPTl0N
      Im sorry but you had nothing but bad things to say about my map.. I just wanted you to know that I had to push that version because people started copying the idea and before other people made maps out there I had to go with the prototype i had. I will be done with the final version in a few days. Also the next project is above ghost town which no has done yet either, I feel that giving me a bad score was cold considering I was the first to create a map out there and I am still not finished yet, because me and you both know that every one is going to be forging out there now from using my map to get there.
    11. IcedFrappuccino
      I don't hate you brother! Me and Jim were seeing how long it would take us to get banned. **** the man, if you know what I mean!
    12. DeathToll77
      Well it is only Feature NAO worthy if people deem it that. But so far the (semi) exclusive people I showed it to, say it's all up to the gameplay at this point.
    13. DeathToll77
      I doubt mine will be done within this week. Maybe between 2-3 weeks
    14. DeathToll77
      I have tested that map for hours on end. By the time it is released I wish to take a break from it. Not that the map is bad, I just need a break once it is released. If you want to test an upcoming map that me and somebody else is working on(name withheld) let me know.
    15. DeathToll77
      lolol you are a polite young man. I enjoyed playing/testing with you.
    16. DeathToll77
      You are cool guy
    17. Bottlecap
      Yeah you have to be above a normal member. Anything like premium or above get that priveledge of a custom background.
    18. Toxic Spade
      Toxic Spade
      lol. Well, if you have ever played Halo 2's map relic, the centerpiece is kinda similar to that. There are two major bases, and two minor bases. This map allows players to choose weather they want to use vehicles or they can just simply jump around on the centerpiece and fight. It's a great battle zone.
    19. Toxic Spade
      Toxic Spade
      It'll be different from Castlanche that's for sure. This one will be meant for team slayer. So it'll be a blast! I haven't decided yet, but four teams will be able to work on this one. It's half of avalanche, and it allows for vehicle gameplay / stand alone.
    20. Toxic Spade
      Toxic Spade
      Thanks a ton for nominating Castlanche!
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