The Sir Toppum Hat
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May 17, 2013 at 1:06 AM
Mar 14, 2008
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The Sir Toppum Hat


Senior Member
The Sir Toppum Hat was last seen:
May 17, 2013
    1. Insane54
      Working on the post now, pictures, video, and so on. We can still adjust it slightly, but it seems the main geometry is finalized.

      Just thought I'd show you some cool parts so far, in the post this will have a cool font on it:

      Name - Quantity on Map - Respawn Time

      BR55HB SR Battle Rifle - 9 - 10
      Type-51 Carbine - 4 - 60
      Sniper Rifle System 99D-S2 Anti-Matériel - 2 - 180
      Jiralhanae Type-52 Mauler Pistol - 0 - 150
      M9 High-Explosive Dual-Purpose Grenade - 2 - 30
      Type-1 Antipersonnel Sticky Grenade - 4 - 30
      Custom Powerup - 1 - 120





      There's alot more too ;D
    2. Insane54
      -geomerge fence walls
      -final testing on CTF/TS/KOTH spawn areas
      -go over spawn points again
      -find out if weapon holders are allowed
      -fix Oddball respawns
      -Begin work on pictures, video, and write up.
      -Test other gametypes - Assault, Juggernaught, VIP, Territories, Infection
      -get a sketchup version done?
    3. Insane54
      Again, running list of things to do:

      -corner walls geomerged so jumpable
      -more testing on spawn points/areas
      -straighten orange and white street KOTH hills (do this later; i might make some adjustments to the location after the corner wall change)
      -back room callouts, to be interlocked to the middle of the double boxes in the pipes (light blue if we don't have the $)
      -Test other gametypes - Assault, Juggernaught, VIP, Territories, Infection
    4. Insane54
      Put it again for all stuff still to be done to make it easier to see at a glance, and a couple of changes to stuff to be done. in order of importance:

      -make 90 degree wall openings runable
      -more testing on spawn points/areas
      -straighten red and blue street KOTH hills
      -back room callouts, to be interlocked to the middle of the bridges in back or orange/purple.
      -switch places of yellow and purple
      -Test other gametypes - Assault, Juggernaught, VIP, Territories, Infection
      -name: MLG Requiem?
    5. Insane54
    6. Insane54
      -spawn problems in the back base? respawn over each back base?
      -more testing on new spawn areas
      -bridges above jump up blue are too far forward
      -overshield is pickupable
      -rocket launcher didn't spawn on the weapon holder
      -drop spawn snipers and rocket
      -stairs geomerge to block off map
      -straighten KOTH hills, make middle ones smaller
      -set up other gametypes
      -Test other gametypes - Assault, Juggernaught, VIP, Territories, Infection
      -look at removing 90 degree walls access to hill
      -90 degree wall openings - runable somehow? would be a huge improvement
      -back room callouts, to be interlocked to the middle of the bridges in back or orange/purple.
      -delete custom powerup, in it's place move purple over there
      -needs a better name!
      -MLG Requiem?
    7. Insane54
      I redid the spawns and a bunch of other changes. I'll give you what I have tomorrow, been working on it all day today (at least 20 hours over today and yesterday night, lol)

      Stuff to fix (my personal notes, so a little weird sounding, but you'll get the jist of it):
      -spawn problems in the back base? respawn over each back base?
      -bridges above jump up blue are too far forward
      -overshield is pickupable
      -rocket launcher didn't spawn on the weapon holder
      -drop spawn snipers
      -stairs geomerge to block off map
      -straighten KOTH hills, make middle ones smaller
      -set up other gametypes
      -look at removing 90 degree walls access to hill
      -needs a better name!
    8. Paulie Walnuttz
      Paulie Walnuttz
      ill geo merge my foot up your ass =P
    9. Insane54
      Epic. I kind of got the other merge but it wasn't quite straight enough so i gave up :(
    10. Insane54
      No u. Needs moar geomege.
    11. Tydo
      dude! i love your name i watched that all the time as a kid! Also i love your map Assurgent, add me up and well forge sometime: Lanky Frank
      Thomas The Tank Engine FTW!
    12. providence
    13. providence
      HAPPY B DAY lol ;)
    14. providence
      heyy toppum how do i send it to you
    15. Sheogorath
      happy birthday
    16. JEEF
      thanks for telling dow off
    17. JEEF
      speaking of my new map since it is a threesome forge it will be expected to be complete next week and posted a week after that. and plz if you get premium reccomend epoch. well,,,,, we made this godly box in a corner and it is literly 3/4 of the way in but not as perfect as i wanted but it will do, and it has a recieving node in it and it is blocked. the sender is in the defenders base but it really is for the use of if the defenders wanted to flank the attackers or to carry the flag carrier sneakly but is blocked by a barrel small so it is neutral to both teams. i suck at explaining things and will show you in two hours if your on i g2g
    18. American10
      we need to get our map going, its failing right now.
    19. TheMisterHat
    20. Black C4t
      Black C4t
      U can just wait till tommorow to do the geomerge becuz me and paulie have been fixing stuff
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    December 16