Mar 18, 2008
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    1. Pegasi
      Ye I do, my name is hamish.edmondson if you'd care to hit me up.
    2. Pegasi
      Weird, it says you're looking at the Hub Pub on your profile :P

      Not been up to much, just sitting around with housemates looking at houses for next year right now. You?
    3. o LiGHTNiNG o
      o LiGHTNiNG o
      Thanks. I'm glad somebody finally got it.
    4. iZumi
      Yeah, well whatever.
    5. iZumi
      It's still kinda funny, but anyone who doesn't realize it's complete BS needs help.
    6. iZumi
      My Dad's actually emailed the supervisor of that site, and he said he just cracks up at all the people falling for it. He thought it would just be a dumb gimmick that would die away within a few weeks.
    7. Pegasi
      Anyway, I shall be off shopping now. Might catch you later on, but if not, then don't let me forget, we need to get this done before tuesday :P
    8. Pegasi
      I do indeed use a Mac, and I love it, tis my baby. No FireFox for me though, Safari all the way. It does have a spellcheck, but I wrote 'be' instead of 'bed', so it didn't pick it up :P.

      And that sounds cool, we will have to get a game in before you leave on tuesday, but it's cool that you're not back at school yet. As before, please poke and badger me if you see me online and you wana get some Halo in, things are finally calming down for me and I need to get back onto LIVE more often.
    9. Pegasi
      Indeed I am.

      Hopefully that means that if I get on around midnight or later then it should be around midday for you, or just coming up to it. Based on that, it might not be tonight (tomorrow for you) since I literally stayed up all of last night and will probably go to bed reasonably early tonight if I am at home. But, it should be reasonably easy to work, since I'm on around the midnight mark alot. Can I assume that weekends are better for midday sessions? Or are you beyond the age of such school-based constraints?

      lol, now double checked for eyes and brain hurt so much :P
    10. Pegasi
      Are you in Aus?
    11. Pegasi
      It's just gone Mid Day, I'm heading out to buy some books for Uni in a bit, and see that same mate who's house I might crash at tonight, but it's quite likely I'll amble back here at some point instead. What time is it for you right now?
    12. Pegasi
      If I don't end up mooching at my mates house on Campus again, then there's a good chance I'll be on tonight (UK time). I'm pretty knackered, so won't really be in any state to be playing really competitive if I'm still up, but would love to get a guided forgethrough and some intro games done if you're up for it and I'm about. Basically, if you see me on FH this evening and not on LIVE, message and poke me to your heart's content.
    13. Pegasi
      Lol, I'd already taken a little look earlier, I'm quite intruiged. Tis on my download queue for closer inspection tonight. I have a couple of preconceptions, but then it's more than my life is worth as Journo to go mouthing off based on pics alone, the horror!

      I shall see how my initial impressions pan out in Forgethrough and beyond, but I will say that I like the look of the central, lower section quite a lot.
    14. Linubidix
      Perhaps. I'm about to have dinner. Can't talk at the moment.
    15. Linubidix
      Not much. Just a calm day
    16. Adelyss
      No problem ;).
    17. Adelyss
      Ohh that thing, haha its actually one of my most popular screenshots I took WAY back...Its just a picture of a brick on Ghost Town and the caption said lets watch as this male brick slowly stalks his prey...its pointless but funny lol.
    18. Phreakie
      my friend kyle from school has 74000 gamerscore.
      just thought you should know after I read your sig lol
    19. T REXasaurusMan
      T REXasaurusMan
      i kno, i like sending people to a page that doesn't work, to waste thier time, anyways i'm going to update it by friday, so it doesnt matter
    20. Pegasi
      I think it's amazing, definitely one of the top titles of the year for me, if not the top.
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