Toxic Spade
Last Activity:
Nov 1, 2010 at 9:56 PM
Aug 21, 2008
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Yelling at little kids on xbox live.

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Toxic Spade

Ancient, from Here

Senior Member
Toxic Spade was last seen:
Nov 1, 2010
    1. Led Pump
      Led Pump
      iooooo spadze that are toxicy
    2. Public Servent
      Public Servent
      Well it deserves it !
    3. DeathToll77
      Not really, perhaps tomorrow afternoon after my exam. ;)
    4. DeathToll77
      No I do not have it. Thank you BTW. I will get it as soon as your ready and when I don't have exams to study for.
    5. DeathToll77
      I hear you have a wall cutting off the two sides on avalanche. Do you mind If I could use it? Credit will be given if I ever do post that map with your wall.
    6. extreme 96
      extreme 96
      no problem. that map is great it deserves it.
    7. Psycho
      Insane updated.
    8. ForgeGod117
      I chose the second one because it is more realistic. What map is this.
    9. Linubidix
      tbh, 2 looks better. Aside from the large bit coming out the bottom
    10. Linubidix
      Yeah you could do that.
      Trial them. Play a game or two with each one.
    11. Linubidix
      I prefer 1. 2 has that large chunk sticking out the bottom.
    12. Linubidix
    13. ShaddoBlade
      no, i didnt. i googled force push or something and got about 8 of those from a couple forums. but you can find most of them by searching force push on photobucket. that youtube vid is hilarious though. i hadnt seen most of those.
    14. Psycho
      Yeah, FH makes me procrastinate a lot of the time, that's why I don't get to play Live much, I go on FH and then do homework at night, leaving no time for Live.
    15. Toxic Spade
      Toxic Spade
      oh, but you have been on like so much here at forgehub.
    16. Psycho
      Homework, I haven't played Live in two weeks. :(
      It says I was on because my brother had a friend over, but I have been studying for finals.
    17. Toxic Spade
      Toxic Spade
      Something I've been working on.

      Now have a go at it from a different angle.


      Though I don't have most of the things loaded up yet, because I want to keep it a bit mysterious, you will notice this is some sort of base, but what for?
    18. Pegasi
      Sounds good man. I've just got set up back at my house at University, have to get up in 7 hours for my first day of lectures, then have to start house hunting, with this review and FH stuff to do. So please, don't feel blown off, this is just a busy and annoying time for me, I want to get on this, it's been a while since I had a good natter about Forging on Avalanche, good times.
    19. Toxic Spade
      Toxic Spade
      True. I'm kinda busy right now chatting with my friend, but maybe tommorrow or sometime soon.
    20. Pegasi
      Didn't you get my message? I think skype is probably the best way to talk easily, or even let me know when you want to get online. I'm finishing a review right now, so can't get on xbox, but I can talk on skype if you wana discuss avalanche type things
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  • About

    Yelling at little kids on xbox live.
    Toxic Spade
    I've made a ton of maps on Halo 3. I am a bit of a perfectionist when it come to forging so I take forever to forge. I absolutely HATE map variants that are made on foundry, mainly because it's over used. If you need help with forging just send me a message! My GT is the same as my username!



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