"I think voting yes is foolish. Voting to reinstate a similar egotistical and elitist state as the Guilders, is foolish. Guilders were abolished for a reason and that was to better the site by making us equals. What we should be voting on, is whether or not to abolish Premiums as well, IMO. Since they are nearly the same thing as Guilders were." Do you really think the premium rank is the equivalent of the Guilders rank? That seems like quite the stretch there Neverless. I mean if you're supporting the removal of the premium rank, then you'd have to support the removal of the loyal rank as well.
Just thought I'd pop in and mention that thanks for talking to Star of Knights, the more people we have that are giving personal attention to new members, the more possibilities we'll have later on in the lifecycle of ForgeHub. So I thank you. ^^epic writeup, amirite? On an even more epic note, hows about we get the Gentlemen's Society back into business, eh?
ok man i apoligize 100%,sorry for spamming your threads.But thnaks for responding in my thread,thanks
sorry about the attitude but Im not going to sit here and get cussed out over no reason so lets just drop it please
I have asked a lot of people nicely but nobody replies and i hav posted things about it but it doesnt help,but just forget it if your not going to help me then quit talking about it
why should i have to wait until then to ask for help,all I want to know is how to get my maps onto this website
ive like 6 characters lol...none have reached 99... and i can ruin that boomerang trick Biscuit was gonna tell you if you want...its easy and useful.
Hey Would you like to nominate My map "Master Hand" for best Aesthetic map or Best orriginal map . If you can do this I will nominate one of yours in return [This might be difficult due to how many friends I have ] Thank you for considering this :]