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Dec 18, 2007
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HITtheLIGHTZ was last seen:
Jan 9, 2018
    1. squidhands
      If you dig Conquest at all, you need to play PulseKillers entry for the Conquest contest. We played it last night after you mysteriously vanished, and it was fricking awesome.
    2. squidhands
      Ok, latest version is up in my fileshare here. Never did see Zanno online, and I was actually playing a lot this weekend. I didn't move the weapons around, but I played some games on it and thought the layout works pretty well. The tactical jumps turned out being pretty sweet; they're just hard enough. Let me know about the stairs and if you want them to move over one way or the other.
    3. WheezyMoney
      yo i heard you like being a loyal, so you can be a loyal on this site that has loyals.
    4. squidhands
      All right, I'll work on talking my wife into letting me play video games tonight, lol.
    5. squidhands
      whew, that's good. Weapon placement was always a rough one anyway. I thought about moving a sniper rifle into the window room to promote better movement through there, but I'm all for hearing better ideas. What time will you be on tonight?
    6. squidhands
      I'll do my best to be on tonight. Zanno's on my FL already, so if for some reason I don't catch you tonight I can talk to him too. How big are the changes?
    7. TaK
      Yah, can you see the game I'm hosting when you look for games??
    8. TaK
      Hai there, I'll make a game on Aero and you try and join it, going to make it now.
    9. squidhands
      Yeah, and that's without a real post here. I'm glad that it's getting some recognition.

      Cool, let me know what you think. If there's a big want to put the grav lift under the map for the jump pad then I'll need help from a non-host partner. I spent an hour yesterday dying every time I went under.

      I'll hold off on the team version until everything is as it should be. I uploaded a different custom gametype that's basically Greenhouse except 90% recharge like we talked about.
    10. squidhands
      Holy ****, Harmony already has over 200 downloads.
    11. squidhands
      Pulse is what actually cemented the idea for me. I was trying to think if anyone had used the corners the way I was originally intending and then thought of that. Glad you liked it; I'll polish it up and have it ready this weekend.
    12. squidhands
      Okay, I've got the rough version in my fileshare here. Seems like what I had planned worked out, so now I just need to see what you think of it. Here's what it will be looking like:
      I thought it would serve a couple of purposes; not only will it save the basic idea but it breaks up that long line of sight down that street. It's not as high as it is in the picture, but it does prevent body shots. I'm pretty sure you can still head-shot someone.
      As I said it's pretty rough, but let me know what you think or if you have any other ideas.
    13. squidhands
      I think I came up with a solution, but I'm not sure yet. I won't be able to get on tonight, but I'll work on it in the morning and send you what I have.

      The grenade jump could come from where the new walkway will elbow out; in the rough layout I did I was able to grenade jump to the upper lip of Foundry and jump behind the graveyard wall. I can keep that from happening it just will all come down to what cash I have left.
    14. squidhands
      previously, there was a little cubby hole in the stairs room that really wasn't more than a relative safe spawn zone. Sliding the opening down like Nasty suggested makes that small hole the length of a double box. I can wall some of it off, but that'll be really shaving the budget close.
      I've got the tower by bridge plat redone, and now you can see/jump snipe someone from the ridge. I moved Invis a little closer to the graveyard, and the new wall there is done. There's still a bit to do with extending the sniper tower out, and that may end up creating another grenade-jump problem. yay
    15. squidhands
      So, the big pain in the ass I'm having is getting the wall corners to sit flush with the boxes for the new design of the street. I can't get it right for the life of me. I've redone it a dozen times, and with 110% speed you trip on at least one of the four transitions. It's driving me ****ing crazy. I may have to go back to the original layout and just slide the opening down, but that creates a new problem.
    16. M.Jelleh
      y hello there!
    17. squidhands
      BTW, the image of the sig that they both made is too big. I resized it, so use this one for the one I made or this for the one .Requiem made.
    18. squidhands
      Simple enough: once you have the picture as the sig, click on it to select it. Then click on the "insert link" icon and paste in the MLG thread. It'll work the same way at MLGpro, just the coding will actually show up over there as you're doing it. I think I may do that as well.

      I was able to get a little done over the weekend, so it will definitely be done this week.
    19. Bottlecap
      Ahh yes. Welcome to the Pub.
    20. XxTexasHornxX
      Also, you should watch this video. It's a video of one of the nation's top recruits, who is going to be a lineman at Texas, saying his New Year's Resolutions at an all star game. One of his resolutions is to rank up in Halo. He's now my favorite recruit this year, and he is almost higher than you in matchmaking :happy:. Just thought it was cool that a guy that devotes so much time to football still has time for Halo.