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Ancient, from Orange County

Senior Member
Huntar was last seen:
Sep 6, 2017
    1. Running Chron
      Running Chron
      your sig is fine now, you left click on the images and go to properties then add up all the px from all images and then about 20 px for each standard line of text, we have an easier way though.
    2. Higinia
      Exactly. :/
      TDWP conveys the exact same message, btw.
      Them, and STYG are what my influences are.

      Yeah, people say when I sing, I sound almost like Craig Mabbit, from Blessthefall, and when I scream, I sound like We Came As Roman's screamer, but a little deeper.

      Cause, we got into a fight and stuff like that. :/
      And she told me that she really loved me.
      And I wouldn't believe her.
      So yeah.

      Basically, she didn't want to deal with the fights anymore.
      We're still kinda fighting now, but I wont take it that far anymore. :/
      Cause now, I do believe her.
    3. Higinia
      What would be the song title?

      Another message I want to convey is how people nowadays are so stupid, as to how they think they're really cool doing drugs, and all that stuff.

      The other one, is something that has something to do with TWLOHA, and "Feed The Hungry" Projects.
      Cause, I have a girlfriend, who almost commited suicide, over me. :/

      And Feed The Hungry, is to feed those who can't afford anything.
    4. Higinia
      Yes sir.
      Mostly things such as...
      -People in the world today, poor as eff and starving, and yet some people complain about not getting what they want, as they're in their houses with everything that poor people would wish to have.

      And, alot of other things too.
    5. Higinia
      I know, but it's a great name though.
      What I want is to spread a message about things that the world today doesn't focus on, ya know?
      Screams for emphasis.
      Singing just to make it not that brutal.
    6. Higinia
      True, haha.
      It is very catchy.

      Alright man, thanks.
      Austen thought of...
      For He Has Risen.
    7. DeathToll77
    8. Higinia
      Fah show mayne, haha.

      We need an appealing name though, haha.
      So far, I've thought of Mayday Mayday!
      But that seems too...Lame. :/

      But, so far the line up is..


      And, a couple of random guys that Austen knows.
      And maybe a guy that was in a previous band, as synth.
    9. DeathToll77
      The cats out of the bag!
    10. Higinia
      Hell yeah man.
      I liked "Architect". :]

      Oh yeah man.
      I plan on forming a band, that's basically similar to them.
      Not exactly, but I plan on conveying a message to people.
      Like, with the synth, like Attack Attack! , but deeper vocals and higher pitched singing, like The Devil Wears Prada.
    11. Toxic Spade
      Toxic Spade
      I replied to your sig topic. Overall it's a good sig, but it just needs a couple things to be tweaked.
    12. Higinia
      They're freakn' amazing.

      Please tell me, you've heard of Miss May I?!
    13. Higinia
      Same here. :]

      What about...

      We Came As Romans?
    14. Higinia

      Mine would be between...
      The Devil Wears Prada and Attack Attack!
    15. Higinia
      Sweet man.

      What's your favorite band? :O
    16. Paulie Walnuttz
    17. Paulie Walnuttz
      Paulie Walnuttz
      **** yea, the invert mini is mad nice, my friend has it in all red and its a best, its very light
    18. The Cheat
      The Cheat
      Cats don't go in bags!
    19. Paulie Walnuttz
      Paulie Walnuttz
      i just got a smart parts epiphany, i love it only downside is its heavy but its a beast, syders are good nd mad light
    20. Paulie Walnuttz
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    September 16
    Orange County


