Creeping Death
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Oct 19, 2022 at 7:09 PM
Jan 13, 2008
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Jan 26, 1981 (Age: 44)

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Creeping Death

What's a Halo?, from Boston,Ma

Senior Member
Creeping Death was last seen:
Oct 19, 2022
    1. LIGHTSOUT225
      how far down/what method did u use to merge the boxes the height u did on iced valley?
    2. SargeantSarcasm
      i lub it wh3n u t4lk durteh 2 meh
    3. SargeantSarcasm
    4. thesilencebroken
      well, you're the first to turn me down based on the beard.
    5. thesilencebroken
      you can plow me if you'd like :)
    6. thesilencebroken
      you freakin liar. lol
    7. SargeantSarcasm
      What a coincidence...I wrote you the very same poem with a few alterations:

      Oh Creepy Poo
      I miss you
      I miss your touch
      And I miss your musk
      I miss not being in your bed from dawn til dusk
      I'm not Reyn

      tuh dah
    8. thesilencebroken
      yeah, shes bored and trolling the off topic lol

      she pronounces your name "Creeping De Fourth" because she thinks its funny. lol
    9. thesilencebroken
      i want a cheesy gordita crunch, and ill also have a bean burrito with no onions.
    10. SargeantSarcasm
      Yeah I'll have three bean and cheese burritos, two quesadillas, and that mola, moley, molay, whatever the **** you call it, ill have some of that too
      and wtf is this peczi you keep blabbering about?
    11. LIGHTSOUT225
      i can show you now before football starts
    12. Toxic Spade
      Toxic Spade
      Yo isn't this plagiarism? Recovery Look at my post.
    13. LIGHTSOUT225
      you NEED to see the TB variant I'm workin on. I'm keeping it rather simple in relation to the other remakes so far. Using a decent amount of the same geometry from iced valley like the mouse wall and merged box ramp and another box or two, and keeping the bases the same only cheat-proofing them and improving tremor respawns (you gotta see it and should use it too its mildly-genius. some interesting new geometry and twists though for sure. you better be on sometime tomorrow so i can show you this epic-ness. it does iced valley justice.
    14. Paralyzed King
      Paralyzed King
      Get ur boots tied tight, pack a dinner and get ready to head on out for a fun filled Saturday night of PLOWING!!
    15. Paralyzed King
      Paralyzed King
      Hell Yea! Definitely had to be something with my server at work, Cause I didn't actually do anything, I just turned my **** on, and Poof! there I was.. back on the Hub.. It's good to be back..
    16. Paralyzed King
      Paralyzed King
      Oh yea, Look who's back!
    17. LIGHTSOUT225
      i watched the film from the other day when tyrant hacker got in the mouse base with his chopper.. its an easy fix most likely. He drove up the cliff near the central tunnel of AV and drove along the ledge then just went in. surprised no one had ever thought about it before actually
    18. thesilencebroken
    19. thesilencebroken
      Linu told me that a certain map had "its **** forged off last night", so that may mean that a certain map may be ready for testing within a few days. ;)

      btw, i think its like a weird offspring of Bayonetwork, Metro & Constrictor.
    20. thesilencebroken
      it went for $30, but my girlfriend and i think it was money well spent :)
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  • About

    Jan 26, 1981 (Age: 44)
    Tall,dark,handsome.....Just plain awesome.
