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Aug 21, 2012 at 6:26 PM
Jan 15, 2008
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Nov 8, 1993 (Age: 31)
Houston, TX
Forging to a Premium standard.

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Ancient, from Houston, TX

Senior Member
Bottlecap was last seen:
Aug 21, 2012
    1. Mace
      Thank you, short and sweet is always a good option. Btw, I shall be hosting a faux TGIF on saturday at some point, Vorpals seeing if im a capable party leader for possible future TGIF hosting. Care to join us?
    2. Mace
      Do you really think im that imature? All I did was respond to childish repetition and spam. I'm not about to go and attack decent people who frankly didnt like the map. I was just going to ask them what they didnt like. And thats not an excuse, I seriously need some help in the form of reviews and critisism. Please dont imeadiatly include me in that group because I simply defended my map.
    3. Mace
      If you feel like doing a review for a good map of mine, try this one, it plays sexil with 2v2 slayar
    4. Mace
      no, the problem was people's repetitiveness, one guys harsh ironic and hypocritic advice, and spam. a good review is something the map has yet to come by. Also i know it plays like ****, and thats becasue of the spawns im fixing now. btw, who else did you play it with?
    5. FreshCherry
      ok, I uderstand. Jut that I want to get to know some people better. Btw, ur aim is goaliedrew
    6. FreshCherry
    7. Blaze
      I really cant though cause I wont have an xbox till atleast friday...
    8. Flair iz NasTy
      Flair iz NasTy
      yeah, when I first saw Jedwali (which was like 8 months ago) I literally thought it was the best map EVER! My friend showed me it and I liked it so much lol. Yeah but thats awsome your going to be making a new map maybe if its really good I'll make a video of it since I have a capture card now :)
    9. Flair iz NasTy
      Flair iz NasTy
      Hey dude I've made a youtube video of three of your maps, since they are so awsome!
      Here's the link to Jedwali, exept it's in a video with two other maps:
      YouTube - Halo 3 - Supernatural Map Pack

      Here's the link to my really really old video of Jedwali it's really crappy:
      YouTube - Halo 3 Custom Map - "Jedwali"

      And here's the link to Ribcage video:
      YouTube - Halo 3 Custom Map - "Ribcage"

      And finally, the link to Flux =)
      YouTube - Halo 3 Custom Map - "Flux"

      I hope you find it okay that I've made some videos of your maps since they are so incredibly awsome. Make sure to watch them if you have time! =)
    10. Blaze
      You should probably do a little bit by like... i donno... maybe Friday? so maybe i could get it off you and work a tiny bit. Try to get the main part that I asked done if you decide to do that. (main part = the ramp up to the foundry default spawns.)
    11. Blaze
      Just take your time and make it good. :-D
    12. Blaze
      Go ahead and do whatever... and yes me and GD colab'd on that.
    13. Blaze
      Thank you for the very good writen up review you have posted on our map. :-D
    14. Paulie Walnuttz
      Paulie Walnuttz
      i agree i mean if someone says 'hey straight boy go eat vagine!' it doesnt offend me.
    15. Paulie Walnuttz
      Paulie Walnuttz
      i just say your gay to people.... but i have to watch how is use that word....
    16. Paulie Walnuttz
      Paulie Walnuttz
      you use fail to much young man
    17. Paulie Walnuttz
    18. Paulie Walnuttz
      Paulie Walnuttz
      no more farcry?
    19. Paulie Walnuttz
      Paulie Walnuttz
      maybe, im finally back in the forging mood
    20. SargeantSarcasm
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  • About

    Nov 8, 1993 (Age: 31)
    Houston, TX
    Forging to a Premium standard.
    I forge. I review maps.

    Forging. Reviewing maps. Volleyball.

